White House reporters were shocked when Joe Biden took a nasty swing at Barack Obama
Rumors are swirling that Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama forced Joe Biden to step aside or face being removed via the 25th Amendment. Barack Obama’s former top staffers have already taken over Kamala Harris’ campaign. [...]
That pathetic, geriatric, hiccup, good luck getting the taste of Obamas Johnson out of your mouth, you old pathetic bastard!
Obama has a history of dumping on people who helped him on his way up. He has repeatedly kicked them to the curb once no longer “useful idiots” for him. When was the last time you saw the REAL Obama family? Not since they gave credibility to Barry’s claims of African Heritage. His brother Malik says Barry is not an Obama. This could be easily determined by an unbiased examiner with no skin in the game. All Presidents alive today have their DNA on file. That could easily be matched with Maliks or any of the other “siblings” to determine if Barry Soetoro is really Barack H. Obama (Sr.) son. Maybe just use the DNA in a blind test where the examiner does not even know who the subjects are. If that comes back where he is not an Obama then the “girls”(daughters) should be tested too.
Well consider Barry’s bro has eluded many times that Michelle is a dude! Michael LaVaughn Robinson IS Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama. Same birth dates, same parents- NO TWINS. The media etc has done a great job of covering up. Joan Rivers outed them. She was asked if we would ever have a gay Pres. She said we already do. and you do know Michelle is a tranny. Now AI pregnancy photos are showing up. The kids are spitting images of a Couple, that are friends of family. Barry himself has screwed up and accidently called Michelle Michael. If he is Not Michael—where did he go. Type in any search engine- Micheal LaVaughn Robinson and see who pops up.
I guess democrats don’t mind stabbing each other in the back to keep power and control. I hope the Republicans will never stoop to this level and they maintain their integrity by letting the man in the front seat continue to steer the car until it gets to its destination. What a sad state of affairs for Biden. Pelosi has no shame because she admitted it was her idea to plan the coup.
And this is the kind of people who lead the democrat party? Doesn’t say much for their loyalty to each other. They just waste anyone who gets in their way. Their ego and arrogance is so overwhelming. And to think I used to be a democrat. I hate myself for it now.I hope God forgives me for it.
It cracks me up to see the Wicked Witch of the West repeat, emphatically repeat, the statement that she never made one phone call related to the bideon coup. I believe her. She made sure she had people only call her so she had plausible deniability. She is the epitome of a slimy, Washington DEEP STATE swamp creature.
Two pansies fighting means nothing it is mostly talk which cannot be backed up.