NBC viewers were stunned when Vivek Ramaswamy explained how Tim Walz’s left-wing record could be Kamala Harris’ kryptonite

Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. This is the most far-Left Democrat Presidential ticket in history. And NBC viewers were stunned when Vivek Ramaswamy explained how Tim Walz’s left-wing record [...]


  1. They are both the worse choices possible for America . This whole EVIL , dark administration must be replaced !!!

      • Folks, no matter how it turns out, left or right God is still in control. If He created the Heavens and the Earth, He has the power to decide how it ends. He’s coming soon are you ready? Will you be one of those left behind when judgement falls on this planet? Maranatha

    • Walz reminds me of Russian leader Kruchev of 1950. I never thought I would fear America going in this direction, but I do.

  2. The more I learn about Tim Walz, Kamala’s choice for VP, the greater the explosion of my mind. Where in the world is that open door to Hell located, that Tim Walz walked through. Our country is locked in a chopping block and the ax is half way down. How did the party of JFK turn into the American Branch of the Chinese Communist Party.

    If we don’t elect Trump and JD Vance in this election, our sinking ship will rest in the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

  3. I would guess the far-left panel on Meet-the-depressed would have been stunned. The viewing public, not stunned at all. Most people are saying exactly the same thing. Walz is so far left AOC is way to his right.

    • The reason I think it’s the right choice is it gives the Trump campaign even more points to bring down the Harris ticket.
      A plus for Trump. This guy wanted the police to shoot paintball guns at people who broke the COVID curfew!!! He’s a certifiable nut job.

  4. I agree the responses & what is sad is:If our main stream MEDIA would just tell the TRUTH then AMERICA would already know! Biden & his Administration have & are destorying our USA for money & power! Weaponization of our DOJ, DOD, destroying our Military, peoples lies over J6 when it was Pelosi & the Left who are quility of J6, sold USA to China, Iran & this BS about climate, desroying Christians/Jews, our Energy OMG people “GOD CREATED THIS WORLD & GAVE US OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TO SAVE US FROM OUR SINS & YOU CAN BELIEVE “OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS IN CHARGE” WE ARE ONE NATION UNDER GOD” & MAY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST FORGIVE ALL OF YOU ON THE LEFT FOR YOUR CORRUPT LYING EVIL SOULS “SO YOU ALL NEED TO START PRAYING!! MEDIA HOST’S “NOT JOURNALIST” HOST START BY TELLING AMERICA THE TRUTH “GOD BLESS OUR AMERICA & ISAREL”

  5. When Biden endorsed Kamala, it was to prevent Obama from calling for an open convention. So, Obama got his evil lackey, Eric Holder, another Californian along with Becerra, Schiff, Mayorkas, and Harris to vet Tim Walz. The two are so bad, my money is still on an open Democrat convention as much as I despise the real leader, Barack Obama.
    Obama’s army
    Don’t forget, at the 2008 DNC, Obama promised a civilian force equal to and well-funded as the military. With the weaponization of federal agencies against the people with the organized mobs of BLM and antifa, followed by massive immigration of military age males from 160 countries, I suspect he’s been quite successful to our national peril. Be prepared.

    • I agree with you 100%. I continuously warned about electing Obama to begin with. Especially once he said he would change this country. We have witnessed how they have rewritten history, and ignored the Constitution and it’s laws.
      Does anyone know what it will take for people to realize that the Democrats are no longer the JFK Democrats? Don’t they realize they are on the path of being a CUBA, CHINA, RUSSIA, NORTH KOREA, OR VENEZUELA to name a few of the leftist countries ?

      • And the party of Trump is not my father’s Republican Party. Read “The Conscience of a Conservative,” by Barry Goldwater, (Mr. Conservative) to go back to the principles of the Republican Party.

        • if you like the way this country is being run, I cannot understand how. we middle class Americans are paying the debt the dems keep giving us on a daily basis. why did the dems send millions to study the gender issue in a foreign country? how did that help us Americans? how does paying a dead beat college students entire party time at college help us AMERICANS get ahead? the democrat plan for america is to take from the working class and give to the deadbeats in the name of equity and inclusion. NO THANKS. what I sweat and earned is going to stay in my pocket. not someone else, who can’t understand that a man CANNOT BEAR A CHILD. you may not like trump, but at least he has our best interests at heart. maybe we should vote red to end this madness. I for one, dont like to see idiots carrying a communist flag walking down the streets of Philadelphia pa. you might, but I sure as h dont. this isn’t the america of my youth. it is the america of mentally ill morons with low iq’s.

        • is the party of PRIDE your party? that’s what the dems stand for. abomination. castration of children. such wonderful things, right? sounds like values are skewed here in the name of I HATE TRUMP/. but I will let my country be overrun with murderous rapists from 150 different countries. I will give 70-80% of my hard earned money in taxes so the dems can waste it on electric cars, for which they built 8 charging stations for 8 million dollars. how can anyone justify voting for these people? only those who get free handouts from the government like the way it is now. your social security is being given to illegal aliens and when YOU RETIRE, IT WONT BE THERE. when YOU or YOUR FAMILY need medical help, you will not get it as the aliens are in line for free care ahead of you. your insurance premiums will escalate to pay for these “people”. is that what you like? then by all means, vote BLUE. if you want america to be Venezuela, that is. look at the news from NON BIASED SOURCES. THE DEMS ARE LYING TO YOUR FACE. and dems are eating it up like candy. use the sense GOD gave you and see the truth. vote red. our lives depend on your voting correctly, not stupidly down party line.

      • they dont care. they are so used to being lied to they just baa like the sheeple they have turned into. after all, orange man bad. the unelected KA MA LA IS GREAT, even though she slept her way to every position she ever had, ask willy brown of california. ask anyone who lives in that state. and T. Tim, her running mate, is a communist. went to china 30 plus times, worked there, and has indoctrinated thousands of Minnesota kids in it. the Chinese paid for all his trips. ask why? wake up, see what is happening under our noses. we just witnessed a coup, the first in American history, where a party removed a sitting president because they didn’t think he could win re-election. and chose his vp, who had a 30% approval rating to take his place. she has NEVER HAD ONE VOTE FROM THE PEOPLE, YET SHE IS PORTRAYED AS THE SAVIOR OF THE DEMS. IF SHE HAD ALL THE GREAT IDEAS TO SAVE AMERICA, WHY HASNT SHE DONE SO? she has NO idea what she is doing, and is another obama puppet. wake up america. vote red.

  6. Well, since HER FAILURES are dismissed, hopefully HIS will SINK THEIR CHANCES. Wishful think on my part as the MAINSTREAM PRESS, (PROAGANDA MACHINES) of the DEMOCRATS will do all-in their power to STOP THESE TRUTHS from being taken seriously!

    • you are correct. we have to get out the vote. this country is on the edge of becoming a communist run gulag where the rich take from the middle class and give to the deadbeats to make us “EQUAL”. equal means you get your butt out of bed at 5am and go to WORK. it means sweating in the heat, or running your legs off in air-conditioning such as hospitals, etc. it means putting back the steak and picking up the hamburger. it means going without so you can take proper care of your family and elderly. this is the america I want to see. not where some bearded freak in a dress dances lewdly in front of children, or like WALZ THE COMMUNIST, dresses children in pride color shirts with his name on it in a parade. how can you have PRIDE in abomination???? lets MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. how about it folks?

  7. Maybe she made the right choice to show who and what she really is and how far left she is by selecting one who is as also far left. One who did not govern his state and people well just as she did not do her duty as VP under Biden.

  8. she made the perfect choice for republicans. there is so much in tampon Tims closet to talk about. why the 30 trips to china? is he a foreign agent for them? why the stolen valor? he may have been enlisted in the national guard, but was it he actually did for america again? this man is younger than brad Pitt, but looks like has been around too much misery. he looks older than KA MA LA and she has been rode hard and put away wet, as the saying goes. we don’t need these two communist/marxists running this country with Obama and piglosi. vote red to save America. your life and mine depend on it.

  9. It is unbelievable that anyone in their right mind would vote for the Harris/Walz ticket. They both supported the riots and arson after Geo Floyd died. Walz set up a hot line to report people who did not comply with his terrible mandates, it was disgusting.
    He abandoned the reserves the moment they were going to be deployed to Iraq, don’t they call that cowardice? Come on people don’t let them destroy this country any more than they have.

  10. As a Conservative going to vote for Pres Trump for the 3rd time, I thought this was a brilliant move by Kamala ( extreme sarcasm here). She didn’t pick him, o’Bummer, Pelosi, Schummer all threw in the towel for this election and “installed Harris and Walz” as political sacrifices. They knew that Biden could not beat Trump so they decided we’ll wait for 2028. LMAO…

  11. I voted NO. I do not think she made the wrong choice because, as the title of the article says, he is Kamala’s kriptonite. Hopefully he will help take her down. She made the right choice.

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