Jen Psaki was surprised by what Nancy Pelosi admitted about Joe Biden’s departure from the Presidential race

Details continue to emerge about Joe Biden’s sudden decision to drop out of the race and endorse Kamala Harris. It’s looking more and more like Biden was the victim of a Democrat coup. And Jen [...]


  1. It all comes back to you when you go after someone. He was egged on by his buddies to go after Trump, and now that they do not need him anymore, and used him as their puppet to take the blame, they dump him…no honor amony thieves.

  2. While my opinion is that we couldn’t have had a worse man in the White House, at least the party didn’t kill him. It wouldn’t surprise me if that wouldn’t have been a last resort for them though if he wouldn’t step down.

  3. The Corruption and Cheating in the Democratic Party is unprecedented. Obama is still Running the show the Clinton’s still in the mix. The Republicans let this lawlessness happen on a daily basis and do absolutely nothing about it. Our government for the people by the people is a complete joke. Harris Walz the worse ticket since Obama Biden and Biden Harris

  4. Why is everyone so concerned about the Democrat/Communist Party selling out Joe Biden in favor of Harris? The Democrat/Communist Party has been selling out the entire country and its Constitution for over 70 years now in favor of Globalist/Communism.

    THAT is what should concern us ALL the most.

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