This former ally just agreed to help Trump beat Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is finding out that not everyone is thrilled with her becoming the presumptive Democrat nominee for President. Now she’s worried Donald Trump found his ace in the hole. And this former ally just [...]


  1. I have always said that the dems didn’t know what they had in Tulsi. She is wise, confident & very pleasant to listen to with a whole mess of COMMON SENSE.

    • I’m happier than a pig in ? With her. I’ve always liked her, she’s strong & knowledgeable & can stand up to anyone.

    • Glad to see a few Democrats can still recognize the even further venture into pure evil/crime/murdering that their Party has gone!

  2. The biggest problem the Democrats have with both Harris and Walz is when they talk. We all know they are just manequins who will walk around and take photo ops while the Kenyan Imposter continues to destroy this country behind the scenes. Does anyone really believe that that was Biden’s gay agenda they were pushing? The poor and the young are suffering more than most with the cost of everything today. They will not last 4 more years of this crap.Apartment rents around here went from $950/mo to over $2000/mo for the same damned apt. Interest rates rose to a level that put first time home buyers out of the market. Before Biden took office $2000/mo PITI would have had you in a very nice home. Gas was at about $2/gal and food was affordable – even going out to eat. Now you take a family of 4 to McDonalds and you could be looking at a $70+ bill, especially in California

  3. Unlike the first time Trump was President, and trusted people to support him, unfortunately he found out the hard way what backstabbers, and liars many turned out to be!
    This time around, the people he appoints will definately be Trump supporters, and Gabbard is without a doubt one!
    Hopefully she’ll be given a post, in his Administration!

  4. Tulsi should definitely have a place in the Trump administration. U.N.? Trusted advisor? State Dept, Press secretary. She would be fine!

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