Donald Trump and J.D. Vance chuckled when they heard what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused them of doing to masculinity

Woke leftists see Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz as an opportunity to redefine what it means to be a man in American society. MSNBC’s Joy Reid pointed to when Walz led the Gay-Straight Alliance as [...]


  1. Liars are politicians, so their opinions on many subjects are suspect. Who can trust anything who has been caught telling lies? Pathological liars believe their own lies, sick people unable to distinguish the truth from lies they create.

    • he for sure does not care about this Country Just look how he let his own state get destroyed over a thug that needed killing Yet they put the Cops in person only crooks vote for those kind of crooks

  2. Camela is nothing but a liar and a deceiver. Her and her weird associate are both riddled with lies spewing out of their mouths because they can’t think of telling the truth. America is doomed if she is allowed to get away with her lies. Just as democrats lie about what Trump will do, (and he won’t), they will do the same thing they accuse Trump of doing.

  3. Kamala chameleon will change her stance on issues along with an accent to match the audience just to get votes.Just like her party does in every election cycle but once elected the promised change evaporates. Lies are the common denominator.

  4. When is the ignorant bitch AOC going to be voted out of Congress? Are the people in her district in NYC going to wake up they are disgusting people to leave her in Congress

  5. Not much sense trying to reason with the unreasonable. Bedides, Tim Walz might try to hit me with his purse. The whole “Woke” crowd could not spell “masculinity” with a committee and a dictionary.

  6. Is Tim Walz more masculine than Donald Trump?(Required)

    LOL X

    Is this the Tim Walz that mandated that Tampon dispensers be hung on the wall in the Boy’s Bathrooms? LOL LOL LOL!!! Just how masculine can one be who doesn’t know the difference between boys and girls??? I DO know, and viva la difference!

    But, just read the comments from the DEI DemoCommies on this and other sites. They DO NOT know. Is it any wonder then that they believe their Communism is best for everyone? LOL, Even the RUSSIAN People tried to throw it off!

  7. We all know who wanted to feminize American men, so you Marxists just take your foolish child’s play somewhere else, the real men are about to show you what real Americans want, that’s a President who does what the People care about!

  8. Obama, Ayer’s, Dorn, Holder, Jarrett, Rice, Kerry, Clinton, Biden, Harris, Soros, and the Communist DNC, Nancy Pelosi, and Schumer, knew Obama was a Communist before he was elected, and the fell at his feet! 1954 Communist Control Act!

  9. Of all the good, African American Men, you pathetic Democrats swooned over a known Communist, Chicago neighborhood activist mentored by the Communist Ayer’s family, an old family friend of Stanley Anne Dunham, Obama’s Communist mother! Merrick Garland, the real domestic terrorists, Weather Underground of Ayer’s and Dorn, and the SLA who Holder ran guns for, committing armed bank robberies and kidnapping Patty Hearst! Now we have to fix the damage you freaks left behind, kindly leave our Country!

  10. Obama took a more dictatorial role in America, he has been the one running the Country into the ground, he never left! Trump mopped the floor with Hillary, and set the plot back four years, that’s why he’s been tormented, night and day by a communist dictator and his politicized DOJ!
    So, here we are, $40T in debt, arguing over masculinity! The People want a leader who can represent the American People, not the Weather Underground, and SLA! ENOUGH!

  11. The self described elite, hahahaha you folks were friends with Trump until he decided to run against the Communists, Obama/Biden! Yes, you all loved Trump! Then, just like Hitler, Obama and Ayer’s, took over the media, the DOJ, got rid of Scalia, put in Garland, who is a Jew, their very intelligent, indoctrinated our children, turned Trump, into the man doing the things they were actually doing, (Marxism) with the help of the media, and Hollywood, and brain dead democrats! That’s what they do, look at RFK he chose his path, it went against Obama, now they want him dead! That’s how quickly they turn on you!

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