Trey Gowdy exposed the one weakness that may cost Kamala Harris the election

Kamala Harris is all set to accept the Democrat nomination for President. She became the nominee without anyone voting for her. And now Trey Gowdy exposed the one weakness that may cost Kamala Harris the [...]


  1. Gotta laugh, screechy, skeetchy Kamy is such a joke. Her add against Kari Lake is perfect for Kari Lake. I love her saying for McCain rinos to leave as in “get the hell out of her rally”. And the next part is calling her a white supremist and holocaust denier. And add the abortion cause to the comments. Gave me even more to laugh about. Dimwit nitwits and the mooslimes being upset about not being white in this country or not believing in the holocaust or supporting on demand abortion is fitting for the ones that dummy Carter imported into this country in the IRAN mess he caused.

    We gotta shut that door too on all three issues. But the mooslimes have to know this is their cults defined no go zones. Not for the USA citizens who are NOT the kind to give a damn about good old boys in muscle shirts or jews from WWII that our forces saved from another winner, Hitler. Hitler was a mooslime ally by the way. How about that? Surprise surprise.

    Anyway the writters are desperate to list issues. All the issues are the writters dreams and to anyone from AZ who detests rinos the McCain comment is exceedingly germain to this state. We did detest the old angry, nasty, spoiled military brat. He was nothing to be proud of but by the time we really understood what he stood for he was dying and relyed on the dimwit nitwits to cheat him in office for his last partial term. He was a looser and a liar and in the end died quite forgettably!

    Hell yes, vote for Kari Lake and let’s start a recall in AZ on Hobbs and Gabby’s old man. And to clarify we detested McCain, we don’t support killing full term babies on our paid taxes, paying for abortions for women to lazy to provide a rubber or taking a birth control pill like I did for decades. And never heard Kari get excited over old boys in muscle tee shirts, nor heard her slam Jewish anything.

    Except for McCain as a rotten rino the rest is on the dimwit nitwit side of the ticket. And her writters have given me a great laugh at them and her. I suppose she approves this crap and as usual she was so far off the mark her add was just good for Kari Lake. She spent dimwit money on adds the people in AZ have for the most part found funny as in the rino point and absurd in the other three issues.

    Here is another clue, on abortion, good old boys in muscle shirts and jewish people in this state, we usually mind our own business. Kamy is too stupid to figure that out though and her writters are even dummer than dirt. How’s that for redneck?

  2. additonally I would not put too much stock in what Gowdy has to say. Other than the congress what else on the national level has Gowdy won? DAH!

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