Vivek Ramaswamy stunned everyone with this surprising revelation about tennis legend Andre Agassi

Most Americans know Vivek Ramaswamy as a successful entrepreneur and anti-woke businessman. But Vivek Ramaswamy is also known to be a stellar athlete. And Vivek Ramaswamy stunned everyone with this surprising revelation about tennis legend [...]


  1. Democrats’ corrupt ‘lawfare’ has made it so only $Billionaires can be Republican politicians… and even the $Billionaires need to tone down the evil psychotic murderous religion addiction mental illness…

  2. I used to like to watch the games on TV a long time ago. I liked Agassi, he was a smart and very good player and to me he was one of the more decent players with a good demeanor. When the good players began retiring and so many young angry players and the LGBTs began to show up I quit watching tennis. Didn’t know about Ramaswamy tho’. Nice to hear this.

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