Donald Trump revealed this secret weapon to drain the “Swamp”

When Donald Trump won in 2016, he faced unprecedented opposition from the Deep State and the D.C. establishment. He’s gearing up for a second fight. And Donald Trump revealed this secret weapon to drain the [...]


  1. The lame promise to cut spending has been a GOP staple for a lo-o-o-ong time now. One they have yet to fulfill! I’d love to have a mere $100 bill for every time I’ve heard a politician make that claim. “We need to cut spending”. LOL LOL

    I’d be RICH!!

    • Agree !00%, tRUMPsaid that same thing when he was running for President before,and what did he do ?Nothing absolutly nothing.Just added more.

      • We had a ‘worst-ever’ Pandemic afoot… that Trump pulled us ‘out of’ AGAINST ALL ODDS, that the Dems HATED he found a way to do even with a Traitorous NIH !!! and WHO. And a Deep State that got all Media and all Medical Institutions (!!!) and Health Insurance Companies across the Nation to ‘go along’ with Dems in stifling real meds that REALLY worked, and in shutting down all Businesses and all Schools, and keeping people INSIDE FOR A YEAR, unlike what President Trump wanted to see. And NOT BEING a Health Expert (although he still had expert knowledge and advisers) he ‘deferred’ to the ones who allegedly HAD such ‘expertise’ and
        Govt authority. And Trump ‘worked with them’, even though he didn’t know they were ‘keeping things from him’, and NOT working with HIM!!! STILL – the USA was ‘coming back’ from the pandemic when Trump left office – and WOULD HAVE gone ON in 2021 to be Great Again, but for the Dem Election FRAUD that took place, and all the Obiden/ Harris BLUNDERS! But NO ONE could have done a BETTER JOB than Trump, given what he HAD to work with – or don’t you remember those years butfor YOU didn’t get what YOU wanted from him??? AND he had RINOs stopping everything he wanted to do – or IT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED! At least he got his ‘Decrease in Taxes’ and ‘Decrease in Regs’ implemented! But the Congressional Budget is A WHOLE NOTHER ANIMAL!!! You run for President, and then YOU can do it! How about that?

        • AND AMERICA GOT ITS WALL IT HAD WANTED FOR 66 YEARS, AND EVEN REAGAN SAID HE WOULD DO, BUT DIDN’T GET DONE! but TRUMP DID IT! and it was NEARLY FINISHED when he left office (that really WAS stolen from him)! But Obiden wouldn’t LET the contractors ‘finish it’, and then SOLD THE WALL STEEL as just ‘junk’, losing the American People’s mony to the tune of $$$Billions in losses for it!

        • Thanks for that Cher…..I get it but you can’t fix stupid comments from some Einsteins. I’m sure if this a**h*** were president he’d snap his fingers and fix it all like that…..Bam !!!

    • Agree !00%, tRUMP said that same thing when he was running for President before,and what did he do ?Nothing,absolutly nothing.Just added more.

  2. Deep State – Shadow Government Revealed: Senior Executive Service, Out of the 8,156 members who make up this Deep State of ensconced bureaucrats, over 7,000 were appointed by Obama. These the are the “Obama Holdouts” that still control the executive branch of government a full year after Trump has come to office. Obama expanded the existing program of Deep State managers and appointed over 7,000 of the 8,156 bosses who are called the Senior Executive Service. Some call it the “Shadow Government”, and it is true that this federal cabal works in the shadows.

    • Thanks for sharing that Ingrid…..every American needs to know this info and I know DJT has this group of dolittle’s on his radar !!!

  3. It would be a nice change to have a commission of intelligent men and women who are level headed with good common sense and understanding of how government is supposed to work and not be afraid of pissing someone off the government works for the people and the people can fire those who are hurting Americans and abusing the power of government and using it as a weapon the more they quit wasting the more we can invest in rebuilding the infrastructure only with American companies with American employees illegal immigrants should not have access to our infrastructure or any other area of national security like they found out it’s a bad idea too spy on special forces like where senior special forces guy shot and killed that spy that worked as a contractor for electric company he had the uniform the truck and tool’s to spy on people way out in the country like that everyone knows when their is a stranger amongst them it wouldn’t surprise me if there leaving dead bodies all across the United States with the spying back and forth look at all the Chinese spy working for the American government which is full of treasonous politicians and that crime is punishable by death and there is only one way to get the message out that treason is a crime u don’t want to be guilty of and that is have live executions broadcast around the world men and women guilty of treason as they meet the hangman or firing squad let them choose and have a caption this is what happens when you comitt treason against the United States and then if they ever have the thought of treason they will see the bullet’s from the firing squad and the sound of the rope when it snap’s and they would choose a different path

    • I tried reading that but it really needs at least some periods otherwise its impossible to know where your thoughts start and end

  4. Wow! This would be GREAT! America’s Govt. NEEDS accountability for all its EXPENSES! You’d THINK it would be a GIVEN – but no. Govt. is just a TAKER.

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