Liz Cheney agreed to help Kamala Harris in this bad plan to take over the Supreme Court
Liz Cheney is past the point of being a RINO and is now basically a full-blown Democrat. She isn’t even bothering to pretend anymore. And Liz Cheney agreed to help Kamala Harris in this bad [...]
Liz can take her personal vendetta against Trump somewhere else. She is totally out of her hateful and vengeful mind. Get a life girlie.
Liz Cheney was REJECTED by her own constituents, and she HAS THE AUDACITY to disparage President Trump. Talk about DERANGE TRUMP SYNDROME. She is the POSTER CHILD for it.
Yes, traitor Trump is certainly deranged. Just listen to him give a speech and see if you can follow his rambling.
Ohhh Angelo….Trump derangement at your doorstep. Rambling and rambling is Kamala’s expertise…open ears, listen to what she DOESN’T SAY…as in answering a very simple question. Instead of answering she repeats what she has drilled in that empty head by her “handlers”, tells you about her “not so MIDDLE class” upbringing, bunch of rubbish. Even Oprah had to cover for her non-sensical blather.
Trump isn’t deranged but Harris, Walz, Cheney and all the other RINO’s & DemonRats certainly are!
TDS much? There’s medication for it. You
should avail yourself to such.
Angelo…???????????? Are you even a US citizen?
Wasn’t she voted out in a landslide election?
Love your statement. Problem is look at the people she is backing. People see her name but it escapes them to look at who she’s backs. Its not just her that needs to be stopped. We have to keep people like her out of office.
I think the dems are behind the attempts on Trumps life. I think he is in a dangerous situation. I think if they continue to try… A civil war will start and end with lots of blood shed.
And that is just what traitor Trump wants. Instead of trying to make his “point” (whatever it is) peacefully, he wants people to shed their blood for him.
I don’t wish traitor tRump dead but it would be great to see him fill his pants with poop while on stage at one of his rallies. But maybe his diaper will contain the schritt.
When in the flipping hell did he EVER ask ANYONE to “shed their blood for him?” You, like the media, spew lies, lies…you’d better take a good look at first yourself, then people like Maxine Waters who is a horrible human being who told her audience of dimwits to “get in our faces”..and they did, and they burned businesses, your side has done the damage, not ours so get off your high horse, quit the BS, get the cobwebs out of your brain!?
You a one sick puppy, dude!
All that are of the “common sense” responses here don’t waste your time with this “bitch-ass” He’s probably just pissed – they wouldn’t let him in the boys restroom at his local elementary school for free tampons – a**h*** save it for your homie commies !!!!!!
Couldn’t agree more.
Lizzie the loser needs to be put out to pasture with the rest of the heifers on her ranch.
PERFECT response!
democrats lie and cheat to destroy America for china and iran and russia, any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America. period!
Cheney is not a Repub. she is a Traitor to this Nation and the American People. She now wants to help Destroy the Constitution . Send her to China. People who want to destroy our Constitution should be treated as a Traitor to this Nation.
Liz Cheney and other Rino members of the party, stuff your pockets to win elections that outweighs our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the survival of our nation. Like her father, this apple did not fall far from the tree. Cheney seems to take pride in betraying her party like it’s a badge of honor, Hey Liz, you are coming across like a petulant child who thinks getting your way in a temper tantrum is more important than saving our form of government as you betray your friends and colleagues. MAY YOU AND YOUR FATHER ROT IN HELL!
Thankyou Wyoming for voting out Liz Cheney. The despicable Cheney family was working against their voting base all along. The filthy Cheney family has far more hate for Trump than they have love for America.
Did she even win in her own state? I don’t think she did!