Karine Jean-Pierre went to war with Peter Doocy and it ended in this very bad way

Karine Jean-Pierre had another tough day at the office. As usual, it involved her sparring sessions with Peter Doocy. And Karine Jean-Pierre went to war with Peter Doocy and it ended in this very bad [...]


  1. It is a very common ploy of people who don’t have a straight answer to play this nonsensical gibberish game. They do know what’s being asked, but they know their answer sheds a bad light on the boss. And, by the end of this strange exchange, it’s still not clear how there’s money but there isn’t enough money. For that matter, how do we know so clearly what Lebanon needs?

    • Another ploy I’ve noticed with liberals is their first defense to losing a debate/argument is to talk constantly and louder than the person who is crushing their argument. The second ploy is to simply run away, as KJP did, when they realize they’ve totally lost the debate/argument.

  2. are we done yet with all the B.S. out of this administration and biden and harris ?
    Dump them both now.

  3. KJP has no moral compass. She lies thru her teeth every time she steps up to the mike. As a Haitian she should be embarrassed to represent the party that has Hillary Clinton who stole over $2 million from the 2010 Haitian Earthquake Recovery Fund. Give her a title and a few bucks in her pocket and she couldn’t care less about her Compatriots.

    • Not $2 Million – Over $2 Billion that Hillary Clinton could not account for from that fund.Where I come from we call that stealing. Think about that the next time the office is in an uproar because of money “unaccounted for” from the petty cash drawer.

  4. There was a time in America when used car salesmen were viewed as constant liars to get rid of the junk that was on their lots. It was also a time when the Democratic Party was thought of respectfully for taking care of our country and its citizens. My how times change! It seems to me like the used car business has cleaned up some (not completely), while the Democratic Party… well, let’s just say that they’re not alter boys serving at Sunday Mass! I really wish that professional politicians could be like Pinnocio!

  5. Please don’t have Kamala represent me as the first woman President. I can’t think of a worst woman, well, maybe Hillary. Kamala is corrupt and has NO clue on how to be President!

  6. We allowed this to happen when we didn’t stand up to the stolen election of 2020. We are getting what we deserve for being spineless.

  7. All this commentary is BS. You cant deal rationally with someone who is irrational, and you can’t deal logically with someone who is illogical. President Trump has common sense, as do most of those who support him. Therefore, the solution is simple; get everyone you know to go out and vote for Trump and the down ballot Republican ticket and get rid of these ignorant and irresponsible traitors; all of them.

  8. Each pot of money, approved and set aside for foreign aid, should have an addendum attached that states said money moves may be cancelled and the money used to supplement funds set-aside for national emergencies. America First!

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