A Supreme Court Justice may retire and you won’t believe who will replace them
All hell is about to break loose in Washington. Both parties are on edge. And this Supreme Court Justice may retire and you won’t believe who will replace them. Democrats want Supreme Court Justice Sonia [...]
I’ve heard of the latest idea “thought of” by the liberals. I don’t think Biden would agree to this anti American idea. If he did he would be remembered as the Benedict Arnold of past Presidents. I assume that’s not the lagacy he wants.
Any Democrat that reads this please add your comments. Tell me why this idea would be right & good for the American citizens…NOT JUST THE LIBERAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY?
I don’t think Sotomayer is as brain dead as biden so she won’t be pushed off the bench.
Justice Sotomayer – hang in there until 2028. You are only 70, and things may be different then.
I say she should leave on January 21, 2025. Do the Democrats have ANYONE in that party that is worth an excrement?
She has already said that she is not retiring. The court has acknowledged that she is not retiring. Why is this news apparatus trying to push this narrative?
Biden said he wasn’t “retiring” either, and …..
Replacing a cognisent justice with an idiotic skank (Kumalotta HairASS) is an insane idea.
Yeah, leftists never come up with anything that lacks sanity…………….and they usually follow through.
Conservative? My opinion: Conservative judges actually read and understand the Constitution and make informed decisions, regardless of whether or not the Republican party agrees. Leftist judges seem to follow the wishes of the leftist Democratic party.