Michelle Obama had one insane reaction to Donald Trump beating Kamala Harris
Michelle Obama dropped her “when they go low, we go high” campaign posture for her rally speeches for Kamala Harris. The former First Lady knew this was her final battle with Donald Trump. And Michelle [...]
Look her hands are bigger than her husbands! Someone should bring back the Joan Rivvwrs death, everyone ditched that!
Joan Rivers
That’s Eric Holders bull shit! The domestic terrorists Obama hired as Attorney General for the United States! SLA-gun runner, committed armed bank robberies and kidnapped Patty Hearst!
These are the Communists that the DNC knowingly supported for POTUS! Obama the Dictator!
Classless, glorified hood-rats!
There’s no self help books when you’re born demented!! That person ( whatever it calls itself) is no psychologist! It was an election! Not the end of the planet! So I suggest those people who have trouble coping pick up a copy of a book called the Bible! It has the answers to every conceivable problem any human being can have! Amazing stuff! Lee your hard earned money! Don’t make this person richer with her quackery! Remember it’s not a doctor!!
You are just so right, Ann. Don’t enrich her any more than she deserves. She is NOTHING of a professional, except that of one who deceives the whole world. She is very good at that.
Well we’re moving on up, to the top, to that deluxe apartment in the sky-y-y, yea we’re moving on up, got to get our piece of the pie-i-I-i
Thanks Bill Ayer’s, and Bernadine Dohrn!
Michelle is Lavaugn Robinson!
Reverend Wright, told the truth! Barrack Hussein Obama, is Gay! It’s what he said! sold our Sovereignty, to the “One World Government” Nazi’s. A true American couldn’t do that!
I had also heard that Michelle is a transgender, which would make sense if Obama is gay. In the picture above, it sure looks like an Adam’s Apple. She/he was normally pretty careful about concealing her/his neck before.
Hey Nancy Pelosi, How did you explain to the fellow Democrats, “We are going to put our entire support behind Barrack Hussein Obama
Isn’t he a Communist? What about the 1954 Communist Control Act? We own the media, they will help us through
After all, it’s the tactics used by Hitler! Right George Soros? Every tactic used by Hitler, Soros guided Obama through! Where are the 300k children that came through the Southern Border, Kamala?
I do not believe that there is one human that is interested in what this individual believes, has to say or writes in a book. I do believe that there are hundreds of thousands or millions that would like to see them pack up and take their crap with them elsewhere on this planet far from the USA.
The whole world dodged a bullet with the election of #47.Common sense prevailed.By the way Michael Laverne Robinson is going bald, he now has to wear wigs with a bob.
Classless hood rats, that’s all they are! They show their true color at times like these! The worst thing that has ever happened to this country is these two hood rats! They didn’t have a pot to piss in when they slithered into the Leoples house! Call the hazmat squad to disinfect the White House, after the Democrat stinch will definitely be lingering! These people are the only POTUS and First Lady* to ever act like the Obamas are acting! Classless trash!
The self described elite will take what they need from these two hood rats, and kick them to the curb! Lavaugn Robinson better hope her shitty book sells because I’d say they’ve blown through what they have stolen from taxpayers!
How humiliating, and they don’t even realize they are humiliating themselves! That is exactly why Trump won, and they are too blind to see it! Nobody thought Biden was running this Country, everyone knew it was Obama, behind the false storefront Biden, they are such racists that they had to screw Biden over, and the worst backfire in the history of the world! Hahahahahahaha
Michelle Obama aka Lavaugn Robinson just told everyone we were right, they are angry because America said no to these two criminals! Get the hell out of America, you are trash! Can’t they understand they just told us we were right!
President Trump and a real First Lady, one who doesn’t piss standing up!
You don’t tell parents it’s none of their business if their child wants to have their undercarriage rebuilt! You Democrats are the most evil and twisted excuse for humans I’ve ever heard of!
America, never again take any shit from these Democrat criminals, never! Look at how trashy they are, and how truly insane they are! We have the 2nd Amendment for a reason, other than hunting, it’s to defend ourselves from tyranny! Well tyrants just wrote a self help book for weak minded idiots! Who the hell needs mental health care after an election?
They are actually saying this In public? You think Trumps administration picks aren’t capable? Look at Biden people, telling the world his voters need mental health attention because an election didn’t go their way! WTF?
Time for MIKE to shut up and go away. Sick to death of this fake fraud. Everyone knows the truth but they are to stupid to think anyone has any brains and put two and two together. Disgusting.
The democrats with the Legacy media sold KH Is the best thing since sliced bread, Knowing she was a walking, talking disaster of a candidate. She is worse than her unqualified boss, Joe Biden and that says a lot seeing that JB is mentally diminished. So will the Democrats get over this for the most part I believe the behind the scene powerbrokers will and move onto their next candidate, however their pathetic followers won’t.
Robert you ROCK.
Why does anyone at all listen to Michael Robinson a former college football linebacker who now calls himself Michelle and pretends to be a woman? And why listen to a man born in Kenya and using a false Birth Certificate who married another man that tries to pretend that HE is a SHE?
If America has descended THAT low than its destruction is assured!