Bud Light never recovered from making one bad mistake

Bud Light was one of the most iconic American brands out there. Everything changed in an instant. And Bud Light never recovered from making one bad mistake. The Bud Light boycott was the canary in [...]


  1. I still miss my BUD, I still miss that beachwood flavor and bite at the back of my throat, and the satisfying rush of air of a belch, as I exhale with a gratifying pleasureful burp…but alast I can not indulge in that seminal delight I miss so much, because when I walked into a bar, and was asked what can I get you…I never said beer, I said give me a BUD, BUD was and is beer. Budweiser tainted all that, they stigmatized my beer,by giving it a pseudo persona it did not need, a persona that made it into a social statement, some agreed with and some did not…instead of the great tasting beer it was. Budweiser has got to apologize, to all of its lost drinkers, a sincere apology, a mea culpa, of what they did…(making BUD into a social statement…) and will never do it again. BUD is BEER!!!

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