Donald Trump will be angry as hell when he finds out the FBI hid these secret documents

The FBI belittled Donald Trump in his first term. President Trump’s second term got off to a similar start. And Donald Trump will be angry as hell when he finds out the FBI hid these [...]


  1. Oswald was not smart enough or accurate enough to act alone. It’s difficult for dems to admit it was their own dem-run country that did in Kennedy.

  2. Much too complex of a situation to be conceived, planned, orchestrated, and carried out by one lone shark. More likely involved an ocean of great whites with teeth eager for blood in the water!

  3. This exercise is going to another huge reminder that ‘the deep state’ IS NOT some relatively new (nor isolated) phenomena which has just recently formed… Based on what we already know, many of these previously ‘classified’ docs are going to clearly show that a bunch of aptly named ‘swamp rats’ (and the agencies they have unashamedly corrupted) have been around and meddling in our govt, and it’s original duties, functions, and purposes for a very long time.

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