Laura Ingraham was stunned to hear this plan for Trump to defy the courts

Partisan judges continue to issue unconstitutional orders to thwart President Trump’s agenda. Trump supporters are reaching their breaking point. And Laura Ingraham was stunned to hear this plan for Trump to defy the courts. Congressman [...]


  1. To all those, who voted in the negative concerning President Trump’s actions, you are blatantly expositing gross ignorance of executive powers as specifically delineated in the Constitution. Activist judges are merely acting as Marxists, when they attempt to supersede the provisions of the Constitution, and it has already been well documented that some of them have vested “conflicting” interests in the programs that Trump is rightfully ending, because they exhibit nothing less that fraud of the taxpayers’ money.

    • You are exactly on target. It would be prudent to bring charges against activist judges who are skimming taxpayer money under the NGO’s. These judges should at the least be disbarred, and imprisoned at the most.

    • I agree! Any low level judge that tries to stop the POTUS from running the country and combating fraud and internal corruption should have charges filed for trying to overthrow the POTUS and be removed from office immediately. I DIDN’T VOTE FOR THAT JUDGE!

    • This poll dose not align with national polls that show 60+% of people support President Trump. Most of your poll takers are Dem-O-Rats.

    • No we aren’t! You baatards should take the time to READ the Constitution. The separation of powers are petty well deliniated and NOWHERE does it give the executive branch the power to over rule ANY other branch.

  2. Trump needs to get this dilemma before the SCOTUS quickly. No district judge has the authority to stop Presidential action. And the Congress needs to get its sorry self moving and get legislation done to decrease the size of Government permanently. Technology has grown and improved so much that most administrative jobs are redundant if tech was applied. And damn right, if a federal employee cannot get off their ass and into work to do their job, fire them. 10s or 100s of thousands of employees at home on PERSONAL computers with limited security are way more dangerous to the security of our nation than Musk’s team of tech geniouses.

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