Donald Trump tackled one scary problem that left Democrats in stunned silence

Donald Trump rolled up his sleeves and went to work.  He went after one of the worst messes left behind by Joe Biden.  And Donald Trump tackled one scary problem that left Democrats in stunned [...]


  1. Not a lawyer but if an elected government offical hinders, bets or is complicit in refusing to fulfill their elected duties, are they not automatically guilty of a crime???

  2. Trump will not let up on illegal alien deportations till the job is done. Just look at some of the european countries policies – some allow no immigrants and will shoot anyone that attempts to bypass their borders.

  3. I’m so tired of the Democrap/ Soros lawyers using our tax dollars to fight Trump and Elon. There is absolutely no reason why we can’t send the illegal aliens/criminals to Getmo to wait for their deportation. They have broken our laws- get them out of here NOW. Anyone who is here illegally and waiting to get caught loses their ability to ever ask to come here legally.

    • I am so sick of hearing about all the immigrants, yes immigrants, illegals, yes illegals!!! Being here, taking over our country, our resources, causing chaos, wreckless, getting licenses, thousands of dollars a month, all thanks to Joe Biden Obama, Jill, Hillary, Joe didn’t work alone, he was unfit, Obama, isn’t even a citizen of US, Birth certificate is a fraud, it was proved last night on TV. So here we are, proving fraud in the government, IRS, SS, more and more every second, the Dems are so devious, deranged, disgusting, they make me want to throw up in my mouth. These immigrants have got to go! They’ve helped Joe destroy this country, to see them protesting and waving their flags, how dare they, pathetic. Go home if you love your country that much!! They cost our country millions and more. They have ruined the country for my grandchildren, I take that personally. TRUMP AND ELON ARE TRYING TO SAVE IT, BUT THE DEMS WANT TO FIGHT OUR PRESIDENT!! NO RESPECT FOR HIM. THE WASTEFUL MONEY ITS SICKENING!

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