“The View” said one thing about Steve Bannon that turned heads across America
The View is one of the most reflexively leftist shows on television. Donald Trump and everyone associated with him gets treated like the enemy. And The View said one thing about Steve Bannon that turned [...]
The View has no idea what the world is like, they live in a shell and throw Crap against the Wall and hope it sticks.
I think Steve Bannon is jealous of Elon bc Trump is all in for Elon. They are finding lots of fraud, wasteful spending, billions of theft. Ppl in all these agencies have been taking money from US taxpayers. Don’t the Dems see it, are they that ignorant or is it they’ve gotten there millions and they don’t care about us taxpayers on SS and we’ve worked for that half their lives. I’m 70,I get 49 dol in snap, 1499 a month, that’s it. So you Dems have been taking our money from SS that’s why it’s going to go broke. You Dems are stealing my money to live and have SS, but so far I have 8 years of SS and then what,I get thrown out of my apartment,no food,no where to go.Keep stealing my tax money you ppl are demonic, disgusting, deranged, deplorable Dems, I hate you ppl, you are evil THEIVES, just horrible ppl!! 🤬😡😡😠🤮👹😤👺👿🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥