A CNN host warned Democrats Donald Trump has this major ace in the hole

The 2024 Election is as tight as can be. Time is quickly running out. And now a CNN host warned Democrats Donald Trump has this major ace in the hole. Panic in the media over [...]


  1. Really stupid poll question. No one can fix the economy in 2 months. Anyone that knows anything about economics, knows that increaseing minimum wage will make it worse. Giving 6000 to every baby born. Crazy. Giving 25,000 to first time home buyers is absurd. You have to cut spending.

  2. Her and her Marxist cartel administration are the one’s that are destroying Our Country these last four years.! TREASONOUS ACTS.

  3. The Harris Biden team has the economy messed up its going to take a month of Sundays to straighten it out. If the team ran their personal lives like they run the government they would all be bankrupt. We have to give them the boot or I am certain the USA will go tits up as the expression goes!

  4. IF She, Joe and Obama WANTED to fix anything they very well could have. But the real truth is they DO NOT want to fix anything their goal is to DESTROY our America as is has been for over 200 years and turn it into a full blown COMMUNIST run HELL HOLE. And with all these ILLEGALS coming in who have no intention of assimilating to our culture, we are well on the way to HELL in America. Anyone who votes for any Democrat / Communist is voting for the continued Destruction of our Culture we have fought for since 1776. So you on the Left better look very long and hard at what you will be voting for with ANY so-called Democtrat.

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