A Fox anchor cried on the air after receiving this terrible news

Live television can be a high-wire act. Americans saw how that could play out in dramatic fashion. And a Fox anchor cried on the air after receiving this terrible news. Fox anchor cries over story [...]


  1. NEWS FLASH>>>THERE IS NO GOD….IF HE/SHE exists and is all powerful capable, of parting waters etal then the poor boy would have been saved perhaps by a whale or a deckhand on the Ark. If the religous beliefs continue to be part of FOX agenda, I will cancel my cable subscription despite being a fully committed CONSERVATIVE for over 60 years. Fantasy is great in fairy tales BUT THERE IS NO GOD!!! GET OVER IT!!

  2. Yes i believed in God 100% because i was in a car accident on Sept 11/2021 it was a head on collision. the doctors of the ER told me that i was lucky that i survived this accident. I know that God was with me on that day.

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