A top general proposed this sick plan for Joe Biden to hunt down Donald Trump supporters

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris weaponized the government against Donald Trump and his supporters. But no one knew how deep the rot ran. A top general proposed this sick plan for Joe Biden to hunt [...]


  1. General Mark Milley is a traitor to this country and is a Benedict Arnold. He needs to be charged with treason.

    • I totally agree when a General can advise any one to go after a previous President to win an election.He is a traitor. Well I’m a big fan of Trump so I guess I’m on your list. See you soon.

    • Don’t forget that Milley was also in contact with ChiComs, telling them that he would let them know of any impending attack by President Trump. I believe, although, I’m not an attorney that this also may have been grounds for treason.

    • How is this man still in the OUR Military service. He is a TRAITOR and they are either imprisoned or executed. There is no room for TRAITORS in our MILITARY. HE has to go. He pledged to uphold the United States Constitution when he took the oath to enter the Military. He must be prosecuted for treason…..

    • Agree. He also a total lunatic and probably has the queer mentality. He probably is now operating as a China asset since he once told China military leader that Trump was never going to attack China so do whatever you want to do.

    • Agree. He also a total lunatic and probably has the queer mentality. He probably is now operating as a China asset since he once told China military leader that Trump was never going to attack China so do whatever you want to do.

    • This is not a duplicate tweet so don’t deny me the posting of this opinion that is not your right.
      Agree. He also a total lunatic and probably has the queer mentality. He probably is now operating as a China asset since he once told China military leader that Trump was never going to attack China so do whatever you want to do.

    • Miley should be busted down to E-1 and given a dishonorable discharge with NO retirement benefits. He seems to have forgotten which country employs him and that every American citizen has been contributing to his salary and perks.

  2. Milley is a traitor, and exactly what is wrong with our armed forces. They have been left so far behind, and Milley and Biden are to be blamed for this.

    • i believe that many of these Trump haters are pawns used by a bigger power of global elites that are setting the plates for prophecy to take place,Trump thwarted their plan and it had to be delayed but many of these people have been promised high positions in the new world order,he is a threat to these power elites IMHO

  3. Is it possible to Court Martial a retired General?
    I would like to see psych evals of ALL high ranking military officials in 2025. We must eliminate the crazies from such positions to protect the USA.

  4. He was guilty of Contempt according to UCMJ CODE OF CONDUCT. He should have been turned in by his staff and the Secretary of Defense.. They were all complicit in not doing so. The disgraceful General was Retired in 2023 but can still be charged. Trumps weakness is not wanting to cause division and ignoring this. Unfortunately, this nativity only empowered the left even further. Exp., Hillary Clinton’s false statements and continued misinformation campaign against Trump continues due to his lack of action and excessive tolerance which is NOT PRESIDENTIAL!!!!!.

  5. Biden didn’t weaponize the government agencies and the military against We the People, BARACK THE INELIGIBLE MUSLIM/COMMUNIST Obama did! Lo-o-ong ago! He was ILLEGALLY ELECTED and the GOP KNOWS THAT!!

    And Trump had 4 years to undo the damage but both he and the Gutless Old Pussycats DID NOTHING!!

    So here we are – at a point where the head of our military can OPENLY TALK ABOUT ATTACKING, ROUNDING UP AND IMPRISONING WE THE PEOPLE!!!

    MILLIONS OF US screamed the warning from day one of the Obama Regime until this day and precisely NOBODY did a thing about it! NOBODY!!! Trump had the office and the power and DID NOTHING!!!

    So, GOP, STOP WHINING!! You had the chance, you had the power.

    Remember. It can’t happen here. Right?

    Oh, and don’t forget! NOBODY has done a thing about the BLATANT ELECTION FRAUD THAT RULES THIS COUNTRY TODAY either! It isn’t just the Democrats doing these things, the GOP is absolutely complicit!!!

    I wonder how long it will be before they kick down MY door, chains in hand?

  6. Isn’t this the man who was willing to put the lives of American soldiers in danger through an exchange with a Chinese general.
    He should have been court marshalled. That he met with a senior administrator to offer advice considering Garland is a leftist.

  7. Fascists consolidate power in a national government. Fascists rule by fiat. Fascists control business and industry by regulatory agencies. They regulate and prohibit firearm possession. They control voting. They investigate and track citizens. They persecute, prosecute and suppress political opponents. They nominate for office candidates without public vote. And they call Trump a Fascist?

  8. He is a phony general with a chest full of medals I bet he was never closer than 100 miles of combat trump should personally rip away those medals and phony stars and put him on life time KP duty in the brig

  9. This phony gen,white rage milley, is an absolute traitor, and nut=job that orchestrated a coup, against president Trump, he was a traitor telling china, if Trump would be thinking about attacking them. This low=life pos needs to be court marshalled and shot for treason.

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