Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s comments on men in women’s bathrooms will leave you speechless
Radical leftists across the country are slowly realizing what the rest of the country has known a long time ago, which is that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is an idiot. Rep. AOC was once heralded [...]
i think it will be hilarious when aoc goes into a ladies restroom somewhere and there is a man woman or whatever it wants to be called standing there with his or her junk in its’ hand. i wonder what she will say then? F the idiot dumdass democrooks!
Just ask the question: How many women in congress would be OK with a man/women sitting next to them wih a PENIS???
AOC the child is such a bitch and hopefully will not be reelected. She is a disgrace.
There are obviously a lot of mental health issues with people on the left but then we’ve always known that .
There is never a shortage of people with mental issues. There will “probably” always
be other people, with mental issues, that can NOT refrain from siding with people that
are demanding WE , the public, validate as normal, the demands of these people
with UNACCEPTABLE beliefs to the majority of a Society.
Question: How can people, such as this squad member, find enough support to get elected as a government LEADER?? What does that say about a whole region of Citizens??
Nothing can be said about ‘mental issues’ enough, and especially for those in state and federal office – when our own ‘leaders’ cannot distinguish between genders and gender boundaries, ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ have a serious moral problem.
Please let the THE AMERICAN PEOPLE understand exactly what is AOC JÒB exactly what does she do other than cause problems.How did she go from bartender to congress
How did this happen. We all have a pretty good idea but would like to hear from CONGRESS’S ABOUT THIS BIG ISSUE.
Well posted and thank you for speaking up!
I will say women need to carry a good sized pocket knife. They have to be made afraid.
Just when I think AOC IQ can’t drop any lowe,she surprises me again!
IMO-The thing that the “gender-confused” need more than anything is compassion and mental help. The choice of bathroom to use is a byproduct of a mental disorder. Those that would prey upon the mentally ill with hormone blockers and body mutilation for financial gain are beyond evil. Mental disease comes in many forms, and requires the correct diagnosis and remedies. Radically treating the symptoms with radical surgeries is not the answer, any more than big pharma treating the symptoms of much deeper rooted diseases is. Mental health should be the first course of action and may be the only one necessary, but the radical medical industrial complex is out of control. They’re playing Dr. Frankenstein and destroying the lives of mentally ill people who are desperately seeking help for their issues.
Amen, John.
If you have a penis, you belong in the mens bathroom, if you have a vagina, you belong in the womens bathroom. There your confusion is fixed. just look at your genital area.
should women even be allowed out in public … they belong back in the kitchen … and they should not have the vote … I’m so sick of all this woke stuff …
Hey idiot it was a lot of “women” that gave Trump millions of votes. I’m one of them and have voted for him every time. Where are you gonna put all the stupid men that voted for Harris? May I suggest a mental institution where they belong.
LOL! Love your reply! WELL SAID! My experience with women has always been that they are better grounded in facts than most men I know or have ever known! And being now 77 years old and in my third marriage, I have a LOT of experience with women! Never kept track of how many women I dated, but it was a few!!!
You’d think that would do it, I mean for the past 60 years, that’s all it’s needed! Just because Michelle Obama, pisses standing up, it doesn’t have to set a trend!
Best comment yet and so true we never had this problem before the Obamas came to be!
The thing is, a lot of women are toting guns now, big time into going to the shooting range, and seriously into the defend yourself mantra, and maybe, that could be a deterrent, if it was on the door! Mark my word, we will hear about it!
Well said!👍🎚️
AOC needs to check her own gender! Is she a pretender as well? If so, she needs to use the men’s room! Get that dumb ass out of our congress, she is beyond USELESS!
Well Said!!!
Has anyone, ever seriously thought this bar tender had a clue? She doesn’t realize she’s humiliating herself, putting her in the Maxine Waters category! Born dumber than a turnip, but having a need for letting the entire world know!
Alexandria Ocasis cartez is one hateful, psychotic B. I’ve never heard of her sharing a bathroom with a man! She should be removed from her position, the woman is sick and should not be serving in Congress.
Obviously there is a lot of confusion about the signage of restrooms..perhaps we merely have to change that. One thing that hopefully won’t change on those that are confused is the equipment one is born a consideration for signage should be “Penises” & “Vaginas” perhaps that would end any confusion. If that doesn’t help, then perhaps some serious mental evaluation is I order!!
Hey John, your certainly wright, she has no wright to be in Congress, just look at her discusting district, that says it all for her mentality and knowledge.
These Democrats, couldn’t possibly believe anyone, President Trump picks is less qualified than that stupid AOC, or Maxine Waters! It’s as asinine as trying to elect Downtown-Willie-Brown’s knob polisher, as POTUS!
Easy test, were you taught to sit or stand when you pee? If you sit, you go to the girls room, if you stand, you go to the boys…but then, as has been said, logic and common sense are not common in DC or anywhere the liberal left have control.
Well said, esp the part about DC!
As dumb as AOC, Maxine Waters, Pelosi and the rest of their gang, all I think of how stupid are the Democrats who voted them in the first time and then kept voting them in. Those are some stupid Democrats to keep putting the same stupid people in office time after time.
Maybe its the job that turns these folks into a bunch of mixed up confused idiots all that money they get paid for being stupid about life goes to their brains and they know not what they do????
Naw, it is not about what they get paid LEGALLY. It is What they get paid under the table that really twists their mental ability. Once you start down that road, well, just look at the national debt and you have a good idea of where everything is going. Remember why people keep voting for such charlatans; I PROMISE YOU I WILL GET THIS AND THIS AND THIS AND THIS ETC. FOR YOU IF I AM ELECTED and the idiot voters bought the lies hook line and sinker.
Well Said!!!
I worked for a number of years, with the Mentally retarded.These are people with a learning disability.
They have an extremely difficult time learning from their mistakes, due to the fact that it is a disability.
It would seem that Democrats continually re-electing these same people again, and again,have a learning disability.
I expect nothing less from her.
And yet they (democrats)still are in shock that they loss the election, the house and the senate…..unbelievable
How the hell is that endangering women? If brains were gasoline, she wouldn’t have enough to run an ants go kart around a cheerio
I think this is a health hazard to women/girls. The reason being is that men don’t always lift the seat or have good aim thereby leaving a possible biologic hazard on the seat, that they don’t wipe off. This endangers the female who goes to use the same toilet. So until they install urinals in the women’s restroom anybody with a penis should not be allowed to use women’s restroom.
The USA has become so monstrously STUPID now because of issues like this that it simply cannot survive much longer.
Wide open borders, inviting in our sworn enemies by the millions, stomping on the law abiding while coddling obvious criminals, gender idiocy, voting Democrite-Commie, it’s endless!
Rest In Pieces, USA! You committed suicide and are happy about that!
To me it is very simple, if you have a penus you are male. If you have vagina you are female. Both should act accordingly. Someone should explain this to Ketanja Jackson, it might help her with Supreme Court decisions!
Why in God’s name does a man have to be in the woman’s bathroom? Does he not know how to clean himself up after using it. What has this nation come to anyway.
If republicans said they wanted men in women’s bathrooms she would be the first one to come out screaming and yelling that they can’t do that!
This is why we should, as a nation, put into law term limits for congress. There are those who have served America and their constituents faithfully and justly. But we have so much “junk” agenda’s being brought out that term limits are needed. Also leave our children and grandchildren alone; school is for the three R’s so we can regain our position within the world in education.