Bret Baier stumped Kamala Harris by saying these eight words

Bret Baier is the first Fox News anchor to interview Kamala Harris. Minutes into the sit-down she knew she made the worst mistake of her life. And Bret Baier stumped Kamala Harris by saying these [...]


    • Her ear ring mic was malfunctioning. That’s when all her handlers were waving the white flag trying to shut it down. Her ditzy ass still acts like she doesn’t know Bidumb cancelling Trump’s 94 border policies (day 1) created the biggest enflux of illegals ever in our nation’s history !!!! Dumb**s !!!!!!!!!

  1. Oh Kamela, 🤣🤣🤣🤣. You can’t even answer questions concerning the time you’ve been in office! Sit down Kamela, your are not fit to run this country

    • You are sooooo right! Kamala has never answered a tough question! She talks and talks and dose NOT nything, just babbles!

    • I cannot believe they hand her over without one american citizen vote. Just handed to her. It’s shows every time she is asked what we the Americans other than the rich but us that living everyday to her current cost of living. And yes her as she was handed Binden’s from day one after he pledged on his as president day one was not his actual what he pledged on having his hand on the bible. Then within minutes after he took office and when I watched the judge stack waiting for him to reverse all of what Trump had working when I watched that I knew that the next coming to us that are affecting us still today was when I knew it was not good from that day. I cannot watch her everyday videos either with those trying to help her and not ask questions she never has actually responded to what she is going to now change today but she can change them today. Not if she gets the office that she totally does not deserve she has no experience to be my president. She can continue changing the questions she asks to answer about Trump is so discussing and cannot believe those voting for her want her your president. How do you think the other leaders are going to totally take more charge that they haven’t already but going to with millions of non American allowed in and we are using FEMA money to give them housing. Etc. and now that them using FEMA funds that the states who have recently had from various weather destruction which I had thought FEMA reason of being open was to help American states and cities on help. Those coming in on her open border is getting those funds. What happen to the government since Covid? Will I got my ballot. Don’t agree with Oregon only does mail in but will take to drop off box and track my vote to confirm it was received and counted

  2. VP Kamala Harris, the question is, Why haven’t you done the things that you want to talk now because, for the LAST 3 YRS. AND 20 have had the authority to see it DONE. Harris, you are a joke, my 12yr Old granddaughter can answer questions better than you.We can’t withstand another 4 yrs of Harris. The USA will not survive.

  3. VP Kamala Harris, the question is, Why haven’t you done the things that you want to talk now because, for the LAST 3 YRS. AND 10 have had the authority to see it DONE. Harris, you are a joke, my 12yr Old granddaughter can answer questions better than you.We can’t withstand another 4 yrs of Harris. The USA will not survive.

    • You are so correct. But we have people in this country who are really sheep. They’ll unfortunately believe everything the Fake News tells them. Sad.

  4. Camaltoe is unable to answer questions without her word salads or lying. She had no answers for the questions she was asked so she blamed Trump for all the screwups that she and Biden were involved with. She tried to filibuster to not let Brett get any more questions in but all it did was make her look stupid, hateful and ignorant of any of the issues and facts. She has no idea of how to handle anything let alone a country.

  5. Unfortunately, someone edited my last reply to make it appear that I did not check my grammar. Let me set the record straight. Kamala was a failure as a prosecutor, as an attorney general, and as a vice-president. Three strikes already, and she really thinks she is qualified for the presidency???? By the way “que mala” means “how bad” in Spanish.
    President Trump will tell her to get lost when he assumes the presidency which he rightly

  6. VP Kamala was complaining about the issues that many current and formers staffers have complained about her. She is introspecting.

  7. I am also really tired of the Hollywood elites coming out every day saying trash about Trump. They are afraid of Trump cleaning up Hollywood and not letting things go as they want. A lot of them have trashed California and the movies for the decent people. I no longer care to watch or go to the movies anymore and my brother as soon as he could retire got the hell out of Hollywood and California. I won’t ever set foot in California again. It upset me to see it ruined over the years of visiting my brother.

  8. If ANYBODY is still considering a vote for Kamal Jockey Kama(lies) after reading about Fox News and this complete humiliation of branded stupidity, then you belong in the 3rd World of derangement just like Lame Ass Harris. Common decency and self respect will NOT let these Lunatic Nazi Liberals further compromise the United States of America. GOD help the GOOD of our nation, and prosecute any willing political participant that allowed the invasion floodgates to open on the southern border.

  9. Trump is by no means a “Mother Teresa”, but unfortunately, he and she are the only two plausible options at this time. He is by far the lesser of the two “evils”.

    • Sorry Kamala, I will say this as nice as I can.
      American People can’t have a
      Idiot for The PRESIDENT.


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