CNN broke some bad news to Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris spent the last month riding high. But she could see everything come crashing down. And CNN broke some bad news to Kamala Harris. CNN’s Van Jones is scared over the state of the [...]


    • Harris is nothing mnore than a Trojan Horse like Joe – for Obama’s illegal 4th term. They are grooming Michael to take over from there. All of this destruction of the U.S. is Obama’s work.

  1. Donny looks like a dottering old man talking to himself in a grocery store and Vance is every punchline in an international joke book. Trump will get somewhere in the high 40’s because there are still that many uninformed, disillusioned American voters in the Faux Snooze hinterlands. Kamala will be getting the rest. After all, Trump has been beaten in every election he has been in and this time around he’s help out the Dems by rambling, his inability to keep a thought for more than three seconds and forgetting that there are fact checkers out there. He’s going to be made a fool in a debate. He will do it himself. He is unable to control his confusion and his mental cacophony.

    • If Democrats win this election, what happens thereafter is totally on you Democrats. Harris is an extreme far left Democrat, a Communist. If you really want Harris running the US, your ideology is Communist too.

  2. The new is wearing off her real fast,even the media knows it won’t last, hard to believe that this is the best Democrats have to offer.

  3. It doesn’t say much for this country when an election can be won by money and media and not by the better candidate. In other words, the presidency can be bought, and the media is helping with the sale.

    • Why does it take so much money to win an election when all you need to do is vote Republican to save our Country from all this destruction from the Democrats. Wake up people of America!

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