Donald Trump had one shocking message for Pope Francis about the 2024 Election

Pope Francis isn’t what anyone would consider a political ally of Donald Trump. But Kamala Harris made a critical error.  And Donald Trump had one shocking message for Pope Francis about the 2024 Election. Kamala [...]


  1. Isn’t it THIS so-called “Vicar” of Christ on Earth who entered a Muslim Mosque and bowed to Allah in homage?

    THAT is all that needs to be said about him.

  2. I don’t like this Pope. He should have excommunicated Biden but didn’t. The he has the gall to say the lesser of two evils. Sending illegal aliens back to their home countries doesn’t even compare to what Cameltoe stands for. Killing innocent babies and sending children and women into harm is the evilest act of someone evil. He should not even criticize us for wanting to keep our country safe and not have to contribute our tax dollars to paying for illegal aliens. Italy has strong laws against illegal aliens. He doesn’t criticize them. POPE butt out of our election!!

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