Donald Trump launched one surprise attack that hit Nancy Pelosi like a ton of bricks
President Trump learned from his first term. The left wasn’t prepared for Donald Trump’s shock and awe. And Donald Trump launched one surprise attack that hit Nancy Pelosi like a ton of bricks. President Trump [...]
Keep it going Mr. President.
Just how many unknown and not needed agencies are still out there sucking the tax payers monies into black holes without controls?
Well said …….anything to hit Pelosi in the head with especially $712 million sitting around for demos to take advantage of that can now be used to benefit real Americans – Go Trump, go Musk, go Vought – Shut em down !!!!
The Patriot Pulse has become expert at blocking and deleting relevant commentary but allowing pointless insults to go through. One MUST wonder whose side they’re really on! No doubt they’ll block this too! It’s what they do best!
keep getting rid of the swamp. tired of supporting their ideas and expenses take all their money and give to the poor then they might I mean might know what it feels like to be on a tight budget
obviously none of you know the damn truth, what the organization does, it makes the illegal actions of business taking advantage of us with fake information, and this organization makes the abuser origination fines, plus sending money back to those of us were cheated on their illegal actions.
thank God he allowed a responsible businessman to come in and erase all the cash cows of the greedy democrats. All agencies that hand out money to organizations should be shut down. Once they have been looked at under the microscope, then they can open up the ones that are viable and legit.
The democrats have used “the children” too long as excuses for their gluttonous lust for money.
Anything that Peloshi is involved with is fraud, it is to enrich her and her family and friends.
I am completely baffled by the amount of corrupt entities the democrats control and have their hands in within the USAID Corruption Racket. I is hard for me to believe that they have squandered American Tax Payers Monies on these absolute bogus agenda items all over the world and the total amounts of cash lost. These criminals have created the American debt and deficit and are now screaming because their skimming will come to an end. Now we know why there are so many really old people serving in congress. Term limits are now mandatory.
The Democratic Party seems to have learned all its tricks from the Mafia. I believe a good hard look at the party using the R.I.C.O. Act might be the way forward.