Fox News called out Kamala Harris for this big lie about Donald Trump

It’s crunch time in the 2024 Election. Kamala Harris was supposed to have a bigger lead by now.  And Fox News called out Kamala Harris for this big lie about Donald Trump. Kamala Harris pushes [...]


  1. democrats lie and Americans die,
    any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran and russia

  2. Biden was the worst president in history; & if Kamala is elected, she will be even worse. The best indication of future behavior, is past behavior. Kamala is a liar & a fraud. She was complicit in all of Biden’s policy decisions; but doesn’t want to admit it. Kamala’s stance reminds me of Pelosi’s statement about Obamacare “if you want to know what’s in it, you have to vote for it”. Of course then it’s too late. It will be the same with a vote for Kamala. The Democrat machine ALWAYS falsely accuses their opponents of the very things they are doing. Wake up America, & read the handwriting on the wall. We need God more than ever before. It’s past time for everyone who calls themselves Christians, to stand united against the evil being perpetrated upon us by those on the radical left. God is watching.

    • Man you nailed it Dan! I’ve been saying to anyone who will listen if you want to know what Kookamala’s policies and plans are just listen to what “wrongs” their accusing/blaming Trump and Republicans for. I challenge you to listen – every time (they’re consistent) on reversed lies !!!!!!

  3. Watching the Debate. Cameltoe is such a liar about everything she says. She sounds like she has been drinking before the debate. She slurs a lot.

  4. Cameltoe is so wrong about everything that she says is such a liar. She does want to get rid of our insurance. She and Biden haven’t helped anyone with their medication. I’m on Medicare and I pay more for my medication. Her ideas for changing our expenses, taxes etc would kill the middle class and destroy small business. She has no one who knows anything about business and expenses around her and she doesn’t know how to manage money herself. The FOP endorses Trump not her. Military endorses Trump, not her. The bad actors of the world are salivating over her as President because they know that she’s ineffective and they can take us down.

  5. How many died bodies do you have to lie about from, “human trafficking? from the covered -up sats that continued, 24-7 called, America’s Open Border fully, supported by this vile woman.
    Withheld from the public, are the “SOS triaged calls,” along America’s vast coastlines for overloaded vessels.
    What is reported, when they are located, “are evidence of Debray Fields.”
    This is what Harris refuses to tell you as just one, unreported line item we’re all paying for with your tax dollars.
    Say it isn’t so, Harris!
    Naturally we’ll never know, who these men, women and children were.
    Everyone us, is paying for this cover up, as one, hidden horror stories from human trafficking, unreported to the public.
    This is just one issue this vile woman refuses to admit under the heading of, “America’s open Border.” and her name, as, “Border Czar.”
    She’s responsible for it, and you can decide now
    if you would trust this vile woman to lead American in, anyway?

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