George W. Bush made this crazy confession about Donald Trump

George W. Bush is one of the establishment Republicans who want to seize control back of the GOP from Donald Trump and his MAGA movement. He has been lurking in the background since leaving office [...]


  1. I used to like you, George W. Bush, but as of right now, I think you are MUD!!! i’m thoroughly disgusted with you. I think you don’t have a mind of your own, and you simply go along with whatever ‘the gang’ does, and that makes you MUD!!!

    • i agree im so sorry i voted for bush i guess he was a corrupt demorat like the rest of them including liz cheney and her father 3 losers never vote for these people ever there true triators to the republican bush is just as bad as the cheney im so sorry i voted for bush he is nothing but a piece of sh–t.when trump comes in and wins in 2024 we never want to hear from bush cheney and her corrupt father. 3 losers for the republican party.

  2. After 9-11 I always felt safe going to bed at night because I thought that the US had been transferred to good hands, but after seeing some of the things that George did, I think I was somewhat misled. Now I know if George is backing halfwit Cameltoes his judgment is greatly flawed. Trump may not be perfect but the worst day he ever had is better than Cameltoes’s best day. He has to know that whatever is personal between him and Trump is not worth sacrificing the United States for! Get real!!!

  3. Bush screwed us just like Biden and Obama did. Bush is no good he is not a Republican, he is not a good men, to screw the American people like he did. These Presidents forget that they are put in office to help and protect the American people.All these Presidents wanted is MONEY.

    • Bush was a puppet of Cheney .. I felt that his first day in office until the last.. I thought I liked him as a person and figured he was doing Daddy’s duty with Cheney in charge.

    • You are totally right the only thing Bush was good for was sitting on the toilet probably because he always put out a bunch of crap and his part of the Rinos in the Republican Party and the Republican party needs to strip themselves of all the Rhinos in there that are nothing but Democrats posing as Republicans as far as the Wall Street bail out the rich always try to help the rich they do not care anything for the middle class or the average American and especially the poor in this country they try to buy everything and the Democrats will cheat in the 2024 election as much as they can and they need to be watched and when it is close and the Democrats win like they did in 2020 which they did not win and I do not understand why all these illegal ballots dead people voting Etc has not been brought to a head and invalidated Joe Biden’s presidency he did not win when we all went to bed that night Donald Trump has such a lead we figured he’d be president the next morning but the Democrats worked hard during the night to make sure Joe Biden won he did not win I don’t care what anybody says they keep finding illegal balance dead people voting signatures on the same ballots over and over that people mailed in or stuffed in ballot boxes folks the Democratic party has been the worst party we have ever had in our lifetimes and I used to be one of them but now I could see through the forest because the trees are not in the way anymore they are horrible and Kamala Harris lies horribly all the time like she did in the debate when she was caught lying 21 times but was never called out by Muir Davis the moderators and they were supported by the Disney CEO and ABC who were in cahoots with the Democratic Party this debate never should have happened and Kamala Harris had a wire in her ear and the answers were being fed to her and how to get under Donald Trump’s skin she is a waste of a voting ballot and it is a waste of ink to even have her name printed on one vote Donald Trump and JD Vance this year folks if you want to go back to a good government and hopefully A continuing of the draining of the swamp but Rino Republicans continue to block everything that the Republican party wants to do that is good you need to get them out of office and I’m sure that they are running this year so make sure you have a list of them and vote against them I don’t care who they are

  4. Bush is part of the One World Cabal, he stated it many times during his regime. That means he was never a Conservative, but he could claim Republican because he was part of party which held to the military-industrial power DW Eisenhauer warned us about!
    I would not trust anything which comes out of his mouth unless it was his confession concerning his involvement in JFK’s death and his part in the NWO.James

  5. The Swamp(The British Monarchy), has been the problem of America for almost 250 years! Were are the Central Banks located? Down Town London ENGLAND! Thank Teddy Roosevelt in 1913 for that Sweetheart deal for the King of England. That is when USA, gave up our rights to print our own currency to the Central Banks (London, England). Last point. Why do Attorneys and Lawyers in America, have to be registered to the BAR, (The British Accredidated Registry), to practice Law in America? Our courts have always been British Admiralty Courts, or law of the water, Not Common Law or law of the land (Constitutional law). The Federal government, only had 2 original duties to perform when it was established. The first one was to Protect our Borders, which they have failed Miserably,the last Administration particularly. The second duty was to Assist the State Governors, in case of emergency situations! USA, will be just fine when we Kick the Deep State,(the British Monarchy) out of the Federal government. That is why the British Monarchy is in so much of a panic about Trump getting back in Office. Trump will Bring our Money printing back were it belongs to America, and back it with liquidity, (sell gas and oil to other countries and pay off our National Debt! This would Decimate the British Central Banks, as that is were most of the 5 trillion dollars in taxes from Americans, that goes to London, England. This will basically kill the British Empire! That is why they are so scared! They took out Abraham Lincoln, and William McKinley, JFK. These Presidents posed a threat to the King of England, and were killed for it! I can back up everything that I have written! The Rabbit Hole goes extremely Deep. Americans, do not want to be used and abused any longer!

    • I have never HEARD BEFORE ANY of what you just said – BUT I BELIEVE YOU!!! I know enough to know ‘that makes Sense’! when nothing ELSE does! Thank you! These are things I’ve always ‘wondered’ about – but schools never said anything about!!! I knew the FED was BAD, that FDR ‘did’. I knew that NOTHING about the FED makes SENSE! I knew it’s a vicious ‘circle’ of increased $$$ going out of the US to ‘the FED’, and there’s no END in sight! I had no idea about the Brits being in on it (but Rothchild IS a Brit name). This makes me SICK. I DID know SOME things – especially about the Dollar not being backed by gold anymore (you didn’t mention), AND the FACT our ‘courts’ are NOW based, not on ‘the Law’, but only on ‘legal precedent’ – when we threw out the Law Books that were the Foundation of Law, and how to ‘Judge’. But NOW, ‘law’ is just based on whatever some other ‘recent court’ has FOUND, irrespective of what the ‘Law’ IS. And THAT is why we’re seeing such STUPID DECISIONS continually coming out of our Courts! (Sorry, I forget the name of the guy that was accredited with writing our Law Books that were the foundation of Law for years, until ‘precedent’ began over-riding decisions of judgment – and now THAT is ‘the Law’ (but is ONLY one ‘opinion’ of the Law’ really.) It’s ALL AWFUL how FAR we’ve fallen in being deluded and depraved.

  6. Bush bragged about being a Globalist, which resulted in his sending
    8 million American jobs to China, and India, which caused a Recession-Depression in America, in return Americans lost their jobs, and homes!
    Then he attacked Iraq, blaming them for the 9/11, with no real proof!
    This resulted in 6 thousand American soldiers dead, and 30 thousand Maimed!
    When the truth came out, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, it was his good pals Saudia Arabia, that financed the 9/11 terrorist attack!
    All those American soldiers died because of his, and Cheney wanting a war with Iraq!
    Bush, and Cheney are afraid Trump will order an investigation of the Iraq War, which they wanted, and the fact they both became multi millionaires, because of it!

    • bush cheney and obama are 3 losers in our country, when trump wins in 2024 he will find out the truth about these 3 losersliz cheney is just as bad as her father dick cheney. im so sorry i voted for bush he turned against the greatest president we had and will have again in 2024 president donald j not surprise if these 3 losers against the greatest president donald j trump in 2024 and i hope when trump wins and finds the truthamong these 3 losers.trump in 2024

      • bush and cheney and obama are afraid of trump.he was abetter president than these two losers bush and obama. get lost who want to ever hear from you 3 losers again.go retire some were far far away. we the people dont want to hear from you and cheney take your daughter liz with you.your a disgrace to our country.trump in 2024

    • Great points all! You put a lot of things into good perspective about ‘what was actually going on behind the scenes of what the ‘fake news’ was ‘reporting’. We need to REALIZE that the Media (all of them!) made $$M’s too, off of its collusion with these actors, to deceive the public and elicit public ‘support’, when it SHOULD have been just the opposite! We SHOULD have been being told the TRUTH – by SOMEONE! But NO ONE STEPPED UP — until FoxNews took a stand. And though its ‘stand’ has been deluded down a LOT, it still remains the ONLY REAL NEWS (most of the time) on TV because you HAVE TO GO ELSEWHERE to FIND the other ‘real sources of real News’ – and MOST PEOPLE don’t have that capability (or don’t know how to do it).

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