Geraldo Rivera said three words that Donald Trump is going to hate

Former Fox News reporter Geraldo Rivera and Donald Trump once were good friends. But that friendship ended long ago. And now Geraldo Rivera said three words that Donald Trump is going to hate. Geraldo Rivera [...]


    • Talk about being childish. He wouldn’t take his call so he got mad and won’t talk to him again. He is a pessimist and an old guy who just hates that journalism doesn’t need him anymore. More like a spoiled brat who if you don’t think his way you are all wrong. Talk about creepy and childish boy that fits him not TRUMP

      • Creepy Gerry Rivers, aka Geraldo, is a known liar and fabricater of stories that try to make him look significant…he fails every time and everyone knows he is a POS and a giant A-hole. Just ignore the dumbo, maybe he will just learn to stfu…

    • You got that right. Who cares what Geraldo has to say, he is a washed up nobody who will say anything to try and stay relevant. Also another added to the list of people who President Trump wants nothing to do with or whom he fired lol Right away they all say Trump Bad man 😂 they should get over themselves already. We need him back in office and hopefully the Dems won’t kill him they are 2-0

  1. Geraldo is insignificant and a pompous ass. Yellow bellied creep himself. I loved when Greg Gutfeld put him in his place when he announced he was planning on purchasing a Rolls Royce or some such expensive EV car when the segment was how it was so expensive, most people don’t want them. I was elated when he left the show, The Five.

  2. It’s strange. The Media runs after these “celebrities” shoving microphones into their faces demanding their thoughts and comments. Like their ideas are much more valid than anyone else’s. And they get all the print or air time they could ask for.

    But We the Little People who actually make the country run almost need to beg to be heard. Our comments and thoughts are all too frequently blocked, banned or deleted as if we’re insignificant nothings.

    WHY is what Geraldo Rivera says more important than what Joe T. Littleguy says?

    Frankly, I’ve pretty much stopped reading articles about what the Elite think about the issues of the day. For the most part they care ONLY about their own lives and bank accounts.

  3. Geraldo lost his audience a long time ago. He is completely insignificant to me for sure. It’s really pitiful. I joust wish he would see these comments and get the messsge.

  4. Mr

    Mr Geraldo Rivera, you said that Donald Trump was creepy, cringey, and childish, what about Kamala what have she done during those 3 years being a VP now she is running for President she dooesnt have any plans. what she got the same plan that Biden had. she is following the steps what Biden left behind. why should we vote for a marxist. we dont want to become a we are all voting for President Trump.we have a better economy when he is in the WH.

  5. You just have to ask yourself, why would a fine upstanding man like President Trump give a rats-ass what a lowlife whining puke like Rivera says or thinks? I just can’t think of a reason.

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