Greg Gutfeld called Donald Trump one name that stunned Fox viewers into silence
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Gutfeld could only reach one inescapable conclusion. And Greg Gutfeld called Donald Trump one name that stunned Fox viewers into silence. Greg Gutfeld reacts [...]
Time to get this country back to a democracy.
The back story is that on the previous evening Trum viewed the full footage of the Oct 7 attack. That would convince anyone that Hamas must fall.
This country IS and always HAS BEEN a REPUBLIC.
The Commiecrats would love to turn it into their version of a “democracy” given the numbers of new voters they’re importing!
Well Crotte, its not a democracy, is a democratic republic! Just sayin
Well said Greg Gutfeld!
democrats lie and steal American tax dollars to launder for their gai, any vote for any democrat for any office is a vote to destroy America. period!
So far, so good for Trump. But keep in mind, the Commiecrats are still working on ways to sabotage our Republic and there are a still a host of RINOs eager to help them.
It isn’t over by far!
He’s right.
Trump makes more correct decisions than wrong ones!
Like I’ve said many times. This is why he is a
wealthy man! Trump thinks differently than the average person!
Regarding the article above and the survey for voting on President Trump, 94% voted him as doing a great job as president and 6% said no as a great job. I believe those six percent folks should take a good long look at what our wonderful US is trying to recover from. The Biden admin. almost sunk us. I thank God every night for our President Trump.
Regarding the article above and the survey for voting on President Trump, 94% voted him as doing a great job as president and 6% said no as a great job. I believe those six percent folks should take a good long look at what our wonderful US is trying to recover from. The Biden admin. almost sunk us. I thank God every night for our President Trump.(no I have not posted this comment before, plz print)
I so agree with Cindy, 6% of Americans say President Trump is not doing a good job? I wonder “compared to what”? Divine intervention would be the only thing better. This president has had the ‘hounds of hell’ chasing him since he said he’d run. Now he has the monumental task of cleaning up the obama/biden mess imo.