J.D. Vance obliterated the one big lie Kamala Harris wants everyone to believe

Kamala Harris’ entire Presidential campaign is a manufactured stage production. Democrats want voters to only focus on the media-created image of her and not the actual candidate. And J.D. Vance obliterated the one big lie [...]


  1. Thank you, Mr. Vance, for speaking the truth about Ms. Harris. She is such a very poor representative of anything good that has to do with our wonderful country, especially if it is truthful, positive, and uplifting!! Honesty is most certainly NOT one of her attributes! How sad that someone of her despicable disposition can disillusion so very many of our good citizens! It is people like her who destroy the moral fiber of who we are! Letting her have anything to do with the leadership of our land is taking us down a path of destruction. How very sad, and totally unnecessary!

  2. I remember and it Was televised when Biden made the announcement that he was appointing Kamala to be his Border Czar. Someone (probably FOX news go back and find the tape. Put the liberals in their place.

  3. If somehow their able to succeed in this election, voters just don’t know how bad she will destroy America!! The world will be coming for us as she Cackles away !!

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