John Fetterman gave Democrats some bad news about Donald Trump

Democrats are trying to pick up the pieces after Donald Trump’s election victory. There are already signs that Trump 2.0 won’t be anything like the first version. And John Fetterman gave Democrats some bad news [...]


  1. I am happy with D.TRUMP being President because he is well liked by leaders of
    all other Nations and WE need friends not enemy. WE are lucky D.Trump
    is friendly with V. PUTIN its about the most important now a days as well
    as the leaders of all the Europeans Nations. President D. T R U M P is a great
    Gentleman and diplomat well liked all over the world. B R A V O Thanks G O D !

  2. He came in and totally turned the Country around in 6 Months!!!
    And made these quote, Politicans look like idiots!
    Lower taxes! Deregulation! No Inflation! More Jobs than folks to take them! No Wars!!
    And it goes On and On!!

  3. The senate and congress had better behave, or in 26 some of them will not get reelected, we are so sick of how our nation has been abused, for these last 4 years

  4. Sorry Senator Fetterman I seriously doubt you integrity as a moderate that’s just not you and your a full blown leftist so stop your little game of nicey nicey it ain’t happening ever here the phrase phony as a $3.00 bill that’s you in a nut shell we Americans do deserve better from the people we vote for but 99% of the time it’s a lie and only about the Money! America should be first Mr Fetterman we deserve better than what was stole from us under biden harris they lied and you all did to!

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