Kamala Harris broke one cardinal rule of politics with this bad mistake

Democrats knew when they nominated Kamala Harris that her political acumen wasn’t the greatest. But she picked the wrong time to commit a potentially campaign-changing gaffe. And now Kamala Harris broke one cardinal rule of [...]


  1. Trumpa and Vance are worried about who is going to keep .American lights on and food in our bellies.. They are going to save us first. They are business men and they know how to take care of America. Kanila doesn’t know what she’s. doing Obama should butt out,he’s not running for anything !!!

  2. a vote for warmongering KamalToe means YOU endorse evil Democrats beloved junkies CRIME WAVE of 75+ MURDERS DAILY, 200+ O D DEATHS DAILY, 1,000+ BEATINGS/KNIFINGS/SHOOTINGS DAILY, and TENS of MILLIONS+ OTHER DAILY CRIMES in USA !!!

  3. harris opened her mouth and shows the world her head is an empty vessel.

    any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America for china and iran and russia and all the illegal criminal border insurgents.

    • Chaos and disaster is the norm for the Democratic leadership; America last is their motto; Illegals, and terrorists get the best treatment from this corrupt administration.

  4. Another reason Americans must not elec totally incompetent Harris. She is ignorant and will continue destroying America

  5. The Biden/Harris will not even try to help the people of Nc,Tenn, and Ga, because thewy vote Rep, now it they were Dem’s, hel[p would be already there. This is why, we need to send these people packing come, Nov!

  6. This is the reason we have the 2nd amendment. To defeat government tyranny. Stand up, and arm yourself. Give this corrupt government the boot. Like DJT said, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!!

  7. Harris and Tampon Tim have to be the dumbest and ignorant to think they can influence people to vote for Kamel Toe.

  8. Plato said, “Ignorance is the Root and Stem of all Evil.”

    We have not one ignoramus on the Democratic Platform, but two; Harris/Walz.
    But all we need is one vote to silence both of them. We need to go out like a telephone tree to everyone we know, and they must do the same, to find those votes so it is too big to rig. We need to overcome the cheat. And they will. But we all need to participate to exponentially increase our number of votes. We cannot do this alone, so contact everyone you know.

  9. Camaltoe shows in a BIG WAY where her priorities lie and it’s not with the AMERICAN PEOPLE. She will take away our freedoms and money and give it away to all the other countries. We will be living in poverty and not be able to say anything about it. She and Tampon Tim are both corrupt and pieces of SHIT. And so are their spouses.

  10. KOMMIE-LIAR seems like she is trying to lose. She doesn’t want to be president. It means she has to work. She is a party girl. The only reason she was made to run was because the COMMIES needed the $93,000,000.00 that was raised by Biden released. Murderering Old-BAMA stlii thinks he is going to be “KING OF THE WORLD!” I DON’T THINK SO!!

  11. And tono avail, this is the person, Kamala Harris, that uninformed people want as our President. I can not phantom how the hell citizens think she us going to be a great president when for the last 4 years nothing has been done for this country by Biden/Harris.
    She us not a new way forward, she is the current administration that is/has done nothing. GOD help us all. WAKE UP PEOPLE.

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