Kamala Harris doesn’t want anyone to know this truth about her campaign

Kamala Harris is taking a victory lap after the debate with Donald Trump. But this may be a case of false bravado. And Kamala Harris doesn’t want anyone to know this truth about her campaign. [...]


  1. Of course, the Republican Party is the party of the working class. It is the Republican Party that always cuts taxes for the working class and small business owners. It is the Democratic Party that always raises the working and middle class’s taxes, putting many small businesses out of business.

    • The Chinese, Hamas, and the Russia realize how stupid Biden and Carly Kamala are, they will take over the USA in less than 6 months!!!
      God help us all!

    • Harris was shoved down our throats with no recourse on our parts. No primary, no choice to be made. The Republicans have always been the party of elites. Go Trump 2024. He’ll look out for the working people

  2. We are the party of and for the “working class”. The BACKBONE and COMMON SENSE party of this GREAT NATION. Not all educated folks but the E.I.’s “Educated Idiots” of today are about to (11-5-24) hear our voices loud and clear!!!!!! TRUMP/VANCE 2024************

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