Kamala Harris got the bad news that every Democrat feared

It’s now crunch time in the 2024 Presidential Election. Kamala Harris is already back on her heels. And Kamala Harris got the bad news that every Democrat feared. New poll shows Trump retaking the lead [...]


  1. Hyena Harris backed Daddy Biden. She has been the worse VP ever. Just as effective as tits on a bull. Note: bulls don’t have them.
    Vote or zip it if she steals this election. Heck she ended on the ticket with not one vote.

  2. The only bounce I hope Kamal toes heels up Harris gets is her a$$ bounced out of the race in November at the ballot box .

  3. It is difficult to comprehend how ignorant the Democrat voter is. A vote for Harris and Walz is a vote for Coummunism, open borders, more crime, et al. I realize that the average person has been brainwashed, propagandized and dumbed down by the educational establishment and the main stream media, but where is their common sense? I know you can’t fix stupid, but are there that many stupid Americans out there? Let’s see if we can educate them and perhaps show them the light.

      • She had to cheat during the debate with hidden ear phones in her earrings. They were giving her instructions and telling to keep smiling and not to give her “no plans” away. Keep shaking her head at Trump n smiling. The old “shits and giggles” routine that she uses all the time AND further more- she grew up in the wealthiest section of Montreal Canada. She never was poor! AND the night she accepted the DNC as runner up she had on a $40,000 necklace and had the nerve to tell the nation that she had been poor and had to wait long times for the school bus. “That was me waiting for the bus”. What a liar!!!!!she and the democrats will take our nation down further than they have already 😟and the newspapers had reported the eating of pets just that day. I was a devoted fan of David Muir but not anymore. They checked on everything Mr Trump said but never checked on anything that person said but of course she never really said anything but criticisms (Sp?) of Mr Trump. They checked??? With Ohio too quickly to get a correct answer from Ohio I’m sooooo disappointed with the moderators. They ought to put their heads in the sand all the time because they are there most of the time already

  4. Every American voter has seen the high prices of just about everything from groceries, gas, taxes, not to mention the open border crisis, and criminals going unpunished. None of this affected the wealthy; they have the money to pay extra, but for the average, hardworking American, the inflation has caused financial difficulty. A vote for Harris is a vote for four more years of the same, and worse – she is more liberal than Biden. So when you are voting, ask yourself the question that Harris refused to answer in the debate: Are you better off now than you were four years ago? If you can honestly say, “No,” then you better vote for Trump, even if you don’t like him personally. Don’t vote personality; vote for policies, and Trump’s policies were great for the country, especially the economy.

  5. These comments are impartial because I’m not in the US and cannot vote in US elections. Having said that, I’ve got to say that Harris does not present as genuine, honest, likeable, or presidential. Throughout the debate she had a snarky, snotty, condescending look on her face. Her voice is highly irritating and I had trouble forcing myself to actually listen to her. Nasal. Drawling. Lecturing. And the arm flailing!! That the polling is as close as it is is a condemnation of the ability of voters to act rationally and sensibly. I’m reminded that 96% of German voters back in 1936 cast a ballot for Adolf Hitler. And it took until 1945 and their country in ruins for them to come to the realization that they’d backed the wrong candidate. Hopefully US voters don’t also have to learn the hard way.

  6. Schools don’t teach kids to think for themselves or common sense. They are ruining our country and our children. It’s time we got rid of the woke agenda of education and get back to teaching kids how to think, read and understand the world, and math. We need leaders not mindless people who just follow orders.

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