Kamala Harris’ handlers flew into a state of panic over this post-debate poll

Americans had a snap reaction to the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. It will give Democrats pause. And Kamala Harris’ handlers flew into a state of panic over this post-debate poll. CNN’s post-debate [...]


    • I agree! She has NO knowledge of foreign affairs. Doesn’t answer questions – side steps & lies. She is a Border/Economy Czar Disaster. People didn’t get to pick their candidate. Not smart! Another Biden puppet in the making! God Help the USA!
      Vote Trump!

    • You are so right! Anyone that votes for her isn’t playing with a full deck. One thing the Democrats aren’t looking at is the fact that the Democratic party isn’t the same as it was under Kennedy, what he was trying to fix is what got him killed. Just like TRUMP said.

  1. Anyone who can even think about voting for any democrat is voting for COMMUNISM. So if you vote democrat you very well deserve to live in this soon to be Communist country if the Democrat / Communist stay in power. So get your FACTS straight and vote for the only person who really cares about saving America. That woman did nothing but LIE and call Trump Names. And Trump had to defend all the lies and be careful not to offend the Left. Because al Harris said was nothing but more Word Salad KuBayaa BS!

  2. Harris was snotty and condescending (can’t imagine why). She made canned, highly rehearsed responses. She deflected instead of giving straightforward answers. She lied big-time – no fact checking for her. This was a one against three. She is not qualified in any way. Don’t the Dems have anyone better, for God’s sake?!

  3. Thinking back over the last 3-4 years the many news bites of numerous changes in people serving around
    Kamala as her helpers., It seems she doesn’t do well as leader. Too much tearing people down, very hard to get along with. Too much turnover! I don’t think she would do well guiding the nation. This job demands a leader
    Who likes people, willing to know those around her, to show appreciation for their service . On debate night she
    Had such disdain, smirk on her face, no respect for those around her.

  4. All she knows is to raise our taxes to pay for alll of her stupid ideas that she knows will not work. she will do only what they tell her to do.

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