Kamala Harris’ handlers made one unthinkable confession

The Democrat Party is in the middle of an after-action report following Donald Trump’s landslide win. The conclusions top party officials came to were striking. And Kamala Harris’ handlers made one unthinkable confession. Kamala Harris’ [...]

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  1. So Flarhaty your way off we the people don’t watch or read the fake media the new yuk times Unsubscribed in 2010 under Obama Washingdon post the same the demonrat party is done we had a real wake up call understand commies joe & harris hate regime of lies and the destruction they caused right along with the liars on cbs abc nbc msnbc and dead in the water cnn that’s where these leftists propaganda hate networks are heading we don’t even watch regular shows on these hate America networks it’s called a major BOYCOTT since Obama HA! You leftys are done and fyi Hillary & Harris lost NOT BECAUSE THEIR WOMEN they LOST because they’re Not NICE People and they lied! Harris doesn’t have a chance in 2028 because we know the real her a lepard can’t change his spots EVER she’s done!

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