Kamala Harris just got insulted by a Democrat in this disgusting way

Kamala Harris’ honeymoon period is over. She learned that lesson the hard way. And Kamala Harris just got insulted by a Democrat in this disgusting way. Kamala Harris is a drag in red state Democrat [...]


  1. Brown and all other senate democrats lie, saying anything to get elected, than fall in line and vote the party line, even “now independent” Joe Manchin.

  2. I WAS BORN in Middletown, OHIO but my business is in Ranger, TX. and my option is a true statement that Harris and Obama were both raised to be Marxist Communist, GOD HELP US.

    • Yep,I agree! And the real scary part is even tho Obama hates whites, look who he had surrounding him while in office, WHITE people! With billionaire soros leading the charge to destroy our great country! Trump 2024 or we are doomed.

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