Kamala Harris pressed the panic button over this Trump poll surge

This was supposed to be when the poll numbers for Kamala Harris were the rosiest. But she got some bad news. And Kamala Harris pressed the panic button over this Trump poll surge. Poll shows [...]


  1. I don’t care if you are a Republican,Democrat, Independent, Green Party whatever – we are all facing the same runaway inflation. Harris was aa part of getting us here and many are realizing that she has no idea of how to get us out of what she started. A report yesterday by Dr. Phil stated that it now cost you over $11,000 more per year to live like you did back in 2020.How many people got $11,000 raises? in the past 3 years?

  2. Don’t get overconfident with polls. All this will do is encourage the democrats to cheat more. We need to be vigilant. The only way the democrats, who cheat, steal and lie, can win is to cheat. So be aware, talk to everyone you know to vote, and remember we need to make it too big to rig.

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