Karine Jean-Pierre snapped when confronted with a dark secret about Joe Biden

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is one of Joe Biden’s worst enablers. But now the charade is up. And Karine Jean-Pierre snapped when confronted with a dark secret about Joe Biden. Karine Jean-Pierre flails [...]


  1. The Democrats could hold a press conference once a week but call it a sitcom.

    The nation could use a good laugh once in a while and the Dems would be providing a useful service for a change.

      • What’s really scary is that Biden’s finger is on our nuclear trigger and the Russians, Chinese, North Koreans and Muslims KNOW THAT.

        If they launched on us would brain dead Joe respond? If they don’t think so then WE ARE NOTHING BUT A TARGET!

        I simply cannot believe just how far this nation has sunk during my lifetime! Defeated from the INSIDE by SCHOOLTEACHERS!!

  2. I’d like to ask Karine Jean Pierre why she sides with the very people (Hillary Clinton, Democrats) that stole over $2 Billion from the 2010 Haitian Earthquake Recovery Fund? The same people who removed Haitian protesters from HRC’s parade route on her way to speaking engagements. And the same people who had Haitian ships carrying refugees in route to the U.S. turned back at sea by Obama. Not only turned back at sea but if they reached our shores they were rounded up and sent back to Haiti. What happened top “Wet Foot, Dry Foot”? And yet they opened the borders to everyone else.

  3. The Clinton Foundation is just a front to make money for the Clinton family. They are grifters who only think of themselves. They are always looking for a way to get money for themselves. She needs to be shut down. No one likes her but she doesn’t get the hint.

  4. KPC and Cameltoe are liars who think they are pulling the wool over our eyes about Biden’s dementia. All you have to do is look at him and watch him walk to know he doesn’t know what he’s doing. They are stupid to keep trying to tell us otherwise. But they also know that we would turn on them if they did admit it.

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