Letitia James took Donald Trump to court after he became President for this insane reason

New York State Attorney General Letitia James won’t give up her lawfare against Donald Trump. James ignored the lesson coming out of the 2024 election. And now Letitia James took Donald Trump to court after [...]


  1. This fatass is the Fani Willis of the north. New York wake up and rid your state of this disgrace to the DEI Justice System. Her fatass just wants to be heard – far as I’m concerned just another big waste of our taxpayers $$$$$

      • She’s too stupid or too much a racist to figure out he can have her killed and nothing can be done about it. Go away or suffer the consequences

        • Trump can have her REMOVED FROM DA! She doing nothing but what her SLAVE MASTER TELLING HER IN THE DEMOCRAT PLANTATION PARTY

        • When does Trump get rid of her and that crooked judge? We, the taxpayers, are sick of paying their salaries. New Yorkers and California’s are the dumbest voters on earth.

    • There is no question this lady (I used the word “LADY” cautiously) needs to be silenced by an immediate court order.
      “It is better to be thought a fool than open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”

      • You are so right! I hope Donald Trump comes at her with the full weight of the law! She’s so stupid and she’s done it to herself!

        • along with crook merchan WHO must be disbarred for OBVIOUS CONFLICT OF INTEREST – leticia fatt ass has also violated her Oath of Office, like merchan AND BOTH must be disbarred, ASAP, removed from ALL pensions , fined, disbarred FOR LIFE, & put in GITMO FOR LIFE — ASAP ACTION!!!!

    • I’m in New York and everyone upstate loathes that hippo faced nasty beatch. She belongs in prison for constant harassment of President Trump. She won’t take no for an answer. She needs to be fitted for an Orange jumpsuit in Gitmo.

    • Right on….such a waste of tax payer money…no wonder the state of NY is losing residents…idiots in offices of power

    • Absolutely right, Arrest her and charge her with sedition or some other crime like that. Then put her in jail for a few years,

    • The Democrats don’t have the slightest problem with passing hundreds of laws to limit the 1st and 2nd Amendments and so don’t have a leg to stand on objecting to restricting the 14th!

    • Keep it going !! You right on the point! Two ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND NEITHER ONE’S HAD PAPERWORK TO BE IN AMERICA! DOESN’T GIVE THEIR BABY A RIGHTS AS CITIZENSHIP! Because NEITHER APPLY FOR CITIZENSHIP! She was most likely already pregnant before she cross the border!

    • Letitia James is absolutely the prime example of DEI and failing up, her TDS extreme should be exploded for the USA to see beyond what has already been seen, hopefully the microscope she tries to ruin President Trump with will turn in herself and let the truth begin.

      • How in the Hell is Letitia James still A.G.😳 Her lawfare schemes against President Trump for many years now THIS really needs to come to an end LIKE NOW this woman has more than A serious case of TDS it’s more like BRAIN ROT and Dangerous to society 😳

    • Agreed. She needs to stop harassing President Trump. Her ugliness inside n out is sickining and offensive to her position.

      • Very well put. That bitch is a disgrace to DA’s everywhere as well as the State of NY! I can’t understand why the citizens in the entire state, minus that cesspool of Manhattan of course, can’t manage to get her out office. All I keep hearing is “the rest of the state doesn’t lean that way.”

    • Well said R.Collins!
      Stupid people don’t know when to quit!
      Hopefully her time is coming at the next election! It’s really easy to NOT VOTE for her when they see the bill it’s going to cost the people when she keeps doing this!

    • Letticia the bitch should lose her license! Playing another race card is all that hse has brains for! Besides, she is a DEI lawyer!

    • Letticia James along with Fani Willis are the ignorant bitches of the year. Both playing dirty politics and racism. Both are very ignorant and should be disbarred.

      • There should be a new awards show called ” We the stupid ones unite”. Bitch would win hands down. Stupidity to the nth degree. She makes too much money for being stupid.

    • I couldn’t have said it better, R. Collins. She is disgusting and a total disgrace to New York. Hard to fathom how she ever got elected!

    • we here in the USA do have very good, citizens and good amercians who work hard. I have seen both good and the bad. more good than bad, so MORRIS’s comment does not hold water

    • Come on man… we do not need to sink to her level and throw out racist comments such as yours… No place in America for any of that… We need to all be color blind and attack the issue, not the race of the person presenting it.

      • That’s a pipe dream these days thanks from Obama who was totally a racist while in office but now pretends he isn’t. White people need to start stepping up and demanding this kind of crap be stopped.

      • You are correct, Race Baiting is a Left/DemonRat thing to keep us all divided. and there good and Bad in ALL colors and people, but we all need to stick and join together to make America Great Again

      • Saying we should be colorblind is not possible unless you are actually blind. I’m sick of hearing that. It’s that kind of thinking that got us into this mess.

    • X 5… We conservatives are above making everything racist… since Lincoln’s Days… EVERYBODY is moving behind Trump! Be proud of EVERYBODY! Except Democrats…

    • I would agree with that she is bad, this gives people of colour a bad name. But most people that are in positions like she is weather black brown yellow or white are good people but then you have OneRotten Apple that destroys whole bunch.

      • As much as I feel for these blue states with all the woke leadership. It is absolutely imperative to remember that Elections Have Consequences!! Don’t vote these fools in.

    • Absolutely! Unfortunately I’m afraid that won’t happen because people are afraid of upsetting the liberal idiots! Stop acting like fools who don’t know what’s really going on and start standing up for your own race!

  2. How did all these disgusting lesbians get in higher office. Let’s load her up on a flatbed truck and send her to git-mo.

  3. I find it amazing that these “LAWYERS” are incapable of reading plain English! This is why attorney’s are so despised in our society, because they misconstrue common sense meanings and try to wiggle their way through and create meaning that was never there. Common Sense should prevail and it may take getting to the SCOTUS in order to get it done… DJT’s DOJ should ask to expedite this to SCOTUS and get it settled once and for all! While he is at it, they need to eliminate Social Services for non-citizens! This would shut off the spigot of illegal immigration to a drip!

  4. I tell you what: if I had her genes, I’d be running FROM the spotlight. But, that’s just me. Absolutely no shame!

  5. This lunatic has no business whatsoever being attorney general of ANYTHING. She needs medication and lots of it. It’s people like her who have helped destroy America.

    • The people of New York State needs a new Governor and a new Attorney General as well. Very Important for the well being of the people of our state. Get and vote to make a change

  6. This stupid bitch even admitted to getn crooked judges, “cause that’s the only way she can win”. Trumps DOJ should go after crooked AG & judges & put them in jail & disbarr them, This is what NY voted for & that’s why NY is a shit city, cause they keep voting in these ignorant, jealous, worthless, & completely blind to the truth of anything. They probably sit in front if mirror & tell themselves how great they are, cause they’re the only ones that believe their own lies. They should all be disbarred & see jail time & having to pay the people of that state back for them wasting the people’s money

  7. Hey bitch James apparently you don’t follow the rule of law this only applies to women who are here illegally who snuck across the border by breaking the law if they camer here legally that gave visas and the necessary paperwork to be here lawfully they can stay and if their married to an American citizen get over yourself bitch your leftist racist hate an ignorance is showing again! Oh and FYI are you licensed to work in these states?

  8. Hey bitch James apparently you don’t follow the rule of law this only applies to women who are here illegally who snuck across the border by breaking the law if they camer here legally that gave visas and the necessary paperwork to be here lawfully they can stay and if their married to an American citizen get over yourself bitch your leftist racist hate an ignorance is showing again! Oh and FYI are you licensed to work in these states?

  9. She doesn’t know the law or the Constitution. She needs to be removed and disbarred. Shows you how stupid New York residents really are that they don’t care or check out the people that they vote for. They continue to put the same stupid people in power time after time that ruin their lives and state. WAKE UP AND STOP VOTING FOR THEM.

    • NO DON’t move her here we are trying to CLEAN HOUSE OF GOV. NEWSCUM, PELOSI, MAXINE WATERS, assho shift! Just because most Conservatives are moving away and it’s probably never going to happen we who need them out of office and CAN NOT LEAVE DON’t want or deserve any more jacka$$ in our CALIFORNIA STATE!!!!! Thanks

  10. If Trump actually was everything that James and her demented cohorts claim he is, she, and they, would already be swinging from a gibbet!

    I suggest the blacks in the US actually study the genuine history of slavery in Africa AND here in the US. They’d find that THEY as blacks were an integral and vital part of it all and NOT as slaves!!

    But, as long as Democrats dangle that Free Stuff in front of them as long as they cooperate, they wont!

  11. Not sure why there is a big black line that says 12gauge media in there but for reference it says “already swinging from a gibbet.”

  12. These Left-wing radical elected District Attorney’s, Judges, Mayors and Governors are all in the pocket of George Soros. The liberals talk about Elon Musk who is finding Gov’t waste and the Democrats cash cow being sought out. The Democrats talk about our Gov’t being run by Rich Oligarchs when most of the money they get for their campaigns being funded by George Soros. The only problem with these Democrats is Musk isn’t gettin any money from the taxpayers.

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