Maxine Waters went on one awful rant that left Democrats shaking their heads

Maxine Waters has been the kookiest Democrat in Congress for decades.  She’s not letting old age slow her down.  And Maxine Waters went on one awful rant that left Democrats shaking their heads.  Maxine Waters [...]


    • You know what I’m so frickin sick of all these judges that are corrupt, biased, crooked, liars and getting away with it! All against Trump, are their any judges that are Republican that are for Trump. Obama has, Biden has, but Trump doesn’t and these corrupt judges and DA, Fanni Willis still trying to go after Trump, she should’ve been locked up months ago! OMG the corruption in the Dem party, all the waste of our money, lining their pockets and bank accounts!! I’m so done with government, Trump’s rating from me is down from 10 to 0!!! I’m done, I quit!! Pissed republicans

  1. I can’t even respond to all these crackheads, I give up. No use! THE DEMS ARE CROOKED, CORRUPT, EVIL, DEMONIC, DESTRUCTIVE, LIARS!! OMAR HAS A WORTH OF 83 MIL DOL FROM 175,000 salaryimagine that? Thieves of my money she is from Somalia!

  2. Gee, Waters she gets a big paycheck and her family employeed as her aids and has done nothing for the people she represents and then yells about what others are doing for the good of the country and LEGAL U.S. Citizens if that isn’t a crock of shit or as my Dad use to say the Pot calling the Kettle Black.

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