Megyn Kelly gave Donald Trump a scary warning about one crisis that could wreck him
Donald Trump has gotten off to a fast start in his second term. The resistance is getting ramped up by Democrats. And Megyn Kelly gave Donald Trump a scary warning about one crisis that could [...]
democrats lie and steal laundered money from usaid to destroy America.
Yes. These activists judges need to be removed from their positions NOW!! It is not right to stop A president from doing what is good for the country.. American people who truly care about this nation are behind TRUMP 100%.
Start using the good behavior. They are in bad faith contrary to the law. Then it is only a simple majority in the Senate to get rid of a judge.
YES,time to get serious! Do what’s right in GOD’S EYES!
The judge should be removed from his position and maybe deported as he is a danger to the country, maybe to GITMO for him.