Melania Trump’s naked pictures just turned into this awful problem

Former First Lady, Melania Trump, is under fire from all directions. She’s not used to taking political flak. And Melania Trump’s naked pictures just turned into this awful problem. Everyone is trying to figure out [...]


  1. She is a beautiful woman and she is right about famous artists who created master pieces. Check out the Louvre !

  2. Melania isn’t much of a conservative… and we wouldn’t expect her to be knowing her past… also, Donald has always been moderate on abortion… when not trying to please the evil Catholic voters…

  3. She was a professional model. No big deal. What a paradox! To see the Progressives having a fit about a female going topless. Where’s their “female autonomy”? As much a farce as Kamala’s “product shrinkage” diatribes – What did Biden/Harris et al do to the value of the dollar? That’s the “product shrinkage” that most affects us, most notably the poor.

    • A lot of people have a past that might not be favorable to some. But this is all about politics and trying to destroy Donald Trump from winning the election. Harris has a past too that’s she is probably not wanting out there. I’m ashamed of the dirty way they try to destroy what is right. I think the worse disgrace has been letting the millions of illegal aliens who we are feeding and housing when there are citizens of this country homeless. Shame on this government.

  4. If that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black. We all know Kamala got ahead in her career thanks to the services of Willie Brown (or her services to him). That is common knowledge since Willie brags about it all the time. She has NEVER gotten a position on merit and hard work alone. What gets me is she’s being held up as a role model for our young girls. Gag me to the bone.

  5. The pics were around the first time Trump was president. Didn’t matter to the democrats then and it doesn’t matter now. Are the democrats sure they want to go this route? Especially knowing that all of America knows exactly how she got into government work in the first place.

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