Members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) were fuming after they heard what their union boss said about illegal aliens

Labor unions are the most powerful political force in the Democrat Party. Big Labor spends billions of dollars each election to prop up their hand-picked politicians. But members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) were [...]


  1. what is sad is the membership for the union dues those people have no say where that money is spent. Like to the Democratic party. if a member have a different opinion won t count. this is with many Unions due people. They have not say. This should stop.

    • I was a member of I b e w for 34 + years did nothing for us other than keeping the un employable working what a waste of human sperm cells ,

  2. Unions are dooming themselves. With the dimwit nitwits unions being gone the politicians will be gone immediately after them as soon as the communists step in. Then even the activist dimwit nitwits will be gone too. Communist like Stalin get rid of opposition and any possibility of it immediately. History books will confirm this fact!

    • I agree 1000.%. If they are going to hire illegal workers then we should stop paying union dues. It is obvious that our union is only out for themselves and not the the workers that worked hard to make the company successful. Illegal are nothing more than scabs. Illegally being employed for Demacrates gains to get money for themselves. The unions should be fired immediately.

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