Michelle Obama gave Kamala Harris the one brutal answer she didn’t want to hear

Michelle Obama is still the most popular Democrat in America. Kamala Harris is desperate for the former First Lady’s help. But now Michelle Obama gave Kamala Harris the one brutal answer she didn’t want to [...]


  1. Michelle is smart. Keep away from Harris. She in no way Obama class. She’s a liar and a sleazy politician. Not in Obama class

  2. Obama Class? She’s a tranny! She has made a mockery of the People’s House! The Obamas are Communists, the DNC is a Classless, unethical, cesspool of liars, and cheaters, Marxism! The Obamas are out for themselves, they don’t even help African Americans, they give them smiles every four years, with false promises of hope and they get richer!

  3. If you’re a democrat, you may think Kamala is running, but the truth is, Obama has become Dictator Obama! Bringing in the Clintons to help Kamala? That’s like bringing in Jack the Ripper to assist an open heart surgery! The DNC is a criminal organization, desperately trying to hold on to power, to further destroy America! Obama is a Communist dictator, Joe Biden can’t feed himself, and Kamala is a giggle box, head job machine, mentored by Willie Brown! They are hood rats!

  4. Kamala said, “ Joe, is going to hand me, the reigns, and they’ll be begging me for bread!” The Communist left, the self described elite, have used Hitlers game plan to control everything in America! The Ayer’s family raised Obama, they educated Obama to one day get a Communist inside the core of America! Obama has politicized every aspect of government, he has the DOJ, FBI, ATF, IRS, NEA, FCC, EPA, ACLU, they are brainwashing our children! Kamala the border czar, has left the border wide open, now, she wants to finish the wall? She is doing that to try to get elected, they will say, and do anything to hold on to power! Eric Holder was a gun runner for the SLA, the domestic terrorist group that committed armed bank robberies, and kidnapped, Patty Hearst! Ayer’s and Dorn, the Weather Underground blew up federal government buildings in protest of the Vietnam War! These are the people who manufactured Obama! Out of all the good African Americans in our Country, these Communists are what the DNC brought us!

  5. The left is always claiming that the Republicans are the wealthy elitist that are holding people down. But, Look at a Harris rally. You will see a bunch of elitist like Oprah, Clooney, Baldwin who arrived in limos, Mercedes, BMW’s etc. Then look at a Trump rally – you will see working class people and Veterans.

  6. Have you ever wondered how career politicians like the Clintons, Pelosis, Feinsteins, et.al., ever became so wealthy in so called “government service”? The same question applies to the Bushs, Romney, Cheney, et.al.? Yet they all seem to have circled the wagons to keep Trump – who has made $0 in government service and made all of his money in the private sector – out. Why?

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