Mitch McConnell issued this last challenge to Donald Trump
Mitch McConnell is Donald Trump’s archenemy in the Republican Party. McConnell and his followers would like nothing more than Trump and the MAGA movement purged from the GOP. And Mitch McConnell issued this last challenge [...]
He needs to go home and live he’s last few days at home in care of hospice.
No one over 75 years should be in politics!
I think 65 is a good retirement age. That old goat should have retired ten good years ago.
It is a shame that his retirement was not effective immediately. He is nothing but a rino traitor.
Precisely! McConnell has no shame. He should resign immediately if he has even a shred of integrity. Sadly, he’s no better than Adam Schiff!
McConnell got re-elected with Trunp’s help. He was useful for 45 to get judges appointed. Mitch no longer has the health to be a U.S. Senator. Time catches up to everyone.
We need two term limits for every elected federal official.
It’s Trump that needs to retire. This is a man that his former staft called a moron, dumb ignorant to just name a few discriptions. His mother had to do his homework for him all through school because he could not understand the questions.
Yeah, right. He’s so dimwitted he became a multi-billionaire and got himself elected President TWICE.
So, tell us. How’s your bank account looking these days? And you were elected to what?
Well said
This is nothing new! Mitch the Switch has repeatedly knifed We the People in the back for decades by supporting the DEMOCRATS in critical issues.
That’s bad enough, but ask yourself this – WHY HAS THE GOP REPEATEDLY PLACED HIM IN POSITIONS OF CONTROL????
It Is Not Ours!!
The only explanation I can find is the he is a plant by the Dems.
Mitch McConnell is the reason,there should be, term limits in Congress
There are few so foolish as an old fool
Mitch, Nancy, Maxine, Schemer, Wyden,are just a few who should have been voted out or retired years ago but they wouldn’t give up their power or their greed since they are allnow millionaries. Guess those Deep State gravy trains are getting cut off with all that Elon has been discovering about funds being channeled overseas and then surprise some brought back to fune Dems (and Rhinos campaigns etc.) They are the example of why we need term limits!! 2 terms for Senators and 3 for Reps is enough!
Hopefully he’ll just stroke out on the floor he’s a true RINO disgrace and the American people hate him.
He will go down in history as a disgrace just like Biden is.