One Fox News star exposed the bad mistake Jack Smith just made

Jack Smith found a way to reinsert himself into the 2024 Election. But his latest gambit may turn out to be another dud. And one Fox News star exposed the bad mistake Jack Smith just [...]


  1. The Democrat party has become the new American Communist party. Wake up people ! Don’t let this happen! Your one generation away from the fall of the US. All long term democrats should throw the leftists out. John Wayne would have shot these commy bastards .

  2. Rabid dog is a term for Jack Smith that I have concluded is applicable. The man is challenging the Supreme Court via the same case slightly edited.

    He is a waste of time, money and resources but then the dimwit nitwits could care less. This is just a sample of what Trump has been putting up with since his 2016 run for President. He will win again. And after this Jack Smith, “Rabid Dog”. needs to lose his license to practice law. Sue him out of existence as well President Trump!

  3. Once again, how is it that an “unofficial” Special Council can officially submit ANY challenges since Congress has never approved his position.

  4. Jack Smith, was the American lawyer involved at THE HAGUE TRIBUNAL over war crimes in Kosovo. He managed to ignore “450,000 Serbians” ethnically cleansed from Kosovo; over two dozen Serbian churches from the 12th & 13th centuries destroyed; over “3,900 Serbs killed”…NO ALBANIAN MUSLIM (the minority in Kosovo) WAS CONVICTED OF A WAR CRIME UNDER HIS CORRUPT AND POLITICAL AMERICAN JURISPRUDENCE!

    • William Dorich is an owner/publisher for 39 years. Recipient of a Pulitzer for “Witness to War” produced for The Los Angeles Times. His company has received 7 Best-Selling books, (3 of his own 11 titles). Recipient of “The Order of St. Sava” (the highest award bestowed on a layperson) by Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox church for his book, ‘KOSOVO’ that raised over $250,000 to aid the more than 3,000 Serbian orphans in the Kosovo conflict.

    • The ‘free’ fakenews REFUSES to tell The People the REAL NEWS!!! And the World is being duped by the Soros Media Matters machine! to only hear Lies and Propaganda that is Destroying Modern (since the Renaissance Period) Civilization! and reverting the World back to how it WAS in Ancient Times, except MORE EVIL THAN EVER BEFORE (look at Hamas and Hezbollah and its treatment of ‘Hostages’ – holding them for almost a year, and then murdering them with 6 bullets to the face and head!!! like THIS is the ‘new world’ the World wants anything to do with! It’s time to put off childish innanity and naive insanity and GET REAL!!! if we’re to SURVIVE this new maniacal madness!!!

  5. Trump truly believed there was malfeasance for the 2020 election and he needed to have alternate electors ready to go in the event he could prove that malfeasance in time. He was unable to so those electors were never presented. As far as Hang ’em high smith, challenging a previous SCOTUS ruling with the same indictments follows the same pattern of biden rekindling student debt forgiveness after SCOTUS shot him down the first time. Speaking of student debt, I have read that millions of dollars of student debt has been forgiven. Any student who received debt forgiveness, regardless of circustances, needs to have that fact on their credit report for the rest of their lives so lenders know they are welchers and a bad risk.

    • AND, it’s ‘in our Constitution’ that Elections CAN BE CONTESTED, and provides the way to go about it, WHICH the 2021 Congress was in the middle of DOING when the DEMS CREATED THE HAVOC at the Congress that interrupted that Contesting Process WHICH THEN WAS NEVER ALLOWED TO CONTINUE WHEN THE CONGRESS WAS RECONVENED LATER THAT DAY! The ONLY thing that WAS Unconstitutional that day (besides the election fraud) was when Pence ‘confirmed’ an error-riddled ‘election result’ and didn’t allow/direct the Contesting Process to CONTINUE (which meant sending it back to the Contested States for resolution, at which point the Alternate Slate of Electors would come into play IF the ‘result’ was PROVEN to be fraud-riddled at the State level of contention and Corrected by the State. That is FAR DIFFERENT than the President being ‘unable to prove malfeasance’ since the PROBLEM was that the Congress FAILED TO RECONVENE the Contest Challenge of the State’s Votes as the Due Process slated in the Constitution to be followed! And NO ONE in the Congress CONTESTED THAT ERROR!!! Thus it REMAINS an ERROR in the Congressional Record that has NEVER BEEN CORRECTED by ANY CONGRESS!!! Basically, it should be re-addressed and since States DESTROYED THEIR ELECTION RESULTS Prematurely, that 2020 Election should be considered as ‘null and void’ and SHOULD have been completely ‘re-done’ – and all Presidential Actions taken since then should also be considered ‘null and void’ since the President’s election should NOT have been certified by Pence because of this ‘Contestation’ challenge not having been resolved by the State involved, which was NEVER allowed to Continue AFTER THE BREAK and Congress’s ‘resumption’ of ‘duties’, BUT NOT THIS! THIS WAS NEVER RESOLVED!

  6. It appears Mr. Smith grabs for straws. Any communication Trump had with Congress may be seen as official duties.

  7. The only one here who should be arrested is Jack Smith for inpersonating a Special Council as he never went through the proper confirmation procedure.

  8. Jack Smith is just another communist democrat who doesn’t have the authority to prosecute Trump he was not appointed special counsel the way it is outlined his prosecution is illegal and unconditional just like Biden and his administration everything they have done from day one has been illegal and unconstitutional our Republic has been under attack out in the open anyone who votes Democrat is an idiot and a communist and they deserve everything they are going to get thrown under the bus first chance Harris gets if she wins she believes Obama’s idea and I heard him say this that the average American men and women are too stupid to know what’s best for themselves that we need someone to tell us what to do a sovereign body would manage our lives just like the CCP and that includes Obama as dictator I got news for them I will never bow before anyone other than God and Jesus Christ because I know that God is real and I know he’s has kept me alive for 62 years inspite of myself I was dead and revived 2 time’s and it happened at 2 different times and after the second one there was no doubt left because I knew peace both times and what the democratic communist party is doing at every level is godless by godless people who will say or do anything to win and nobody says anything but let someone they consider an enemy they prosecute for the crime’s the Democrats are guilty of they don’t care about the rule of law they have blocked almost all the checkes and balances so they can do what they want no oversight or accountability unless your a conservative and not guilty of a crime they make shit up and that’s how their putting all these innocent people in jail like the j6 people and the elderly ladie for praying in public that’s how they do it in China and Russia and everyone of the people perpetrated these crimes against the American people the communist Democrats have committed treason multiple times and should be preparing for a date with the hangman

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