Peter Doocy noticed one weird thing at a Kamala Harris rally

Peter Doocy is one of the few real reporters in Washington. He is a thorn in the side of Kamala Harris. And Peter Doocy noticed one weird thing at a Kamala Harris rally. Kamala Harris [...]


  1. Yes, she is an agent for change, she is a fascist and her new path forward is communism. She does not give us the full preview of her plan because she knows that it is not popular so she uses word salad and mis-information to placiate her supporters, beguile the uninformed and appear to be the popular choice. Her history and current conduct in the Biden/Harris administation has been one of creating chaos and blaming the cost of repair on a former politician. The chaos is designed to tear apart the functional operation of the Constitution to adversely affect the daily lives of Americans. Distracted Americans are not to the government actions that are causing the Country to fall apart. It’s a magician’s trick of distraction, while they do their intended act. With the help of Main Stream Media, Big Tech, and Social Media Mules to facilitate the distraction they steer the long arms of Big Government toward their goal. It is clandestine and puts tax payer money to use as the grease that lubricates the system. Follow the actions, the income of Politicians and the direction of our Constitutional Republic and you will notice that Democrats and 1/3rd of Republicans are joined in a coordination called the uniparty. They vote for endless wars that they inspire, they bring economic inflation under the banner of economic stimulation making the dollar worth less and the cost of everyday needs higher. Create large Government they hide behind and tell you what car you can purchase in 15 years. They usurp free interprise with government regulations while giving Global Business that embrace DEI the keys to the country to help steer social culture. Trump is not the problem, he is the cure that will restore Government Of the People, by the People, for the People.

  2. My neighboir has a Harris sign that reads “To Save Democracy”. I thought she never went thru the legal process of being the nominated candidate. She was on the ticket as Birden’s VP. When he dropped out she went with him. She was forced on the Democrats and this country by the same Democrats that forced Obamacare, vaccines, EV’s and solar panels on “We the people”. Now they are planning to push digital currency to take control of YOUR money. How the hell; is that “Saving Democracy”?

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