Rosie O’Donnell accused Elon Musk of this sick crime

Left-wing celebrity Rosie O’Donnell is back in the news. But O’Donnell is making some ugly allegations. And Rosie O’Donnell accused Elon Musk of this sick crime. Rosie O’Donnell admitted her Trump Derangement Syndrome caused her [...]


    • Rosie O’Donell who is this nasty person? Hope that she will be denied entry back into the land of the free.
      She likes it in Ireland so stay there and don’t come sniffling back ever?

      • Ok So you left America, but you still think you have a voice here? No one knew you left, no one missed you, no one asked where were you, but you thought you’d let us know, thought we’d care, but we don’t care, so you’re gone, stay there, leave us alone, leave Trump, Musk alone, sthu and stop making REDICULOUS statements, such a fool. Trump had massive massive rallies, they weren’t paid to be there! Kamala had to pay ppl to show up, it’s a fact, the news has proved it, and the ppl that got 100dol proved it. You are a joke, a moron. Nothing here for you to be concerned about.

  1. Isn’t she an Irish citizen now? Why even entertain her lunacy….don’t worry Rosie, we’re not holding our breath and stomping our feet in a temper tantrum in hopes of your persuading you to come back.

  2. How much of the Irish gold did Rosie during before the interview??? She is just a “has been” that likes to see her name in the press… Bye Rosie, don’t let the door hit you in the a$# on the way out….

  3. Rosie left America. You have no say in anything about America. You ran away from the most free country in the world. All you have is a nasty mouth that lies about everything. It’s always about your feelings. You don’t care about anyone else’s rights or feelings just your own group of people. Stay there no one really wants you back. To the people who said democrats care about everything is a lie. They want complete control over your lies and they think they should tell how to vote no matter how you feel or think. That’s tyranny. Joe Biden did it for years. Your too mentally ill to understand what that word means.

  4. Whenever I hear Rosie attempt to speak, it makes me wish I could go back and vote for President Trump again!

  5. PLEASE stop covering stories where Rosie O’Donnell is involved. She is not relative to anyone anywhere. She is a has-been. Nobody likes her.

  6. Rosie has left our country. She should also leave our minds. She is irrelevant and I don’t want to see her ugly face or comments on tv or social media again.

    • INDEED. She now has allowed PRESIDENT TRUMP TO LIVE RENT FREE IN HER MIND as have others and it is TRULY A SIGHT TO BEHOLD. Just TOO, TOO FUNNY!

  7. This is an example of a person stealing air. The PM of Ireland is stuck with her now and just give a little time and she will be complaining about that country.

  8. As Yoda of Star Wars might say…The T.D.S. is strong in this one.
    She left to keep from going insane over political realities. And yet she keeps inserting her diatribes into the mix.
    Her ego demands that she remain relevant. And the right media keeps giving her a voice. Quit doing it!!!

  9. I have no sympathy for Ireland for letting this hate bag in. They are going to regret big time over this move. She is a Trump hater with a big mouth that has never learned how to grow up and act like an adult. Sick mess in her head and only she is the one that has to live with it. We will all be fine, now that she is gone.

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