The harpies on “The View” could not believe what they heard about Kamala Harris’ flip-flopping

Pennsylvania is the most important Presidential swing state on the map. Most pundits were shocked when Kamala Harris selected Tim Walz as her running mate over Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. But the harpies on The [...]


  1. The ‘trouble’ for our Veep is that it isn’t just about ‘fracking’ – it’s about ‘saving the fossil fuel industry and saving America from such ‘climate change’ extremists’ as she IS!!! And the REASON she is flip-flopping all OVER the place??? Evidently in 2020’s run our Biden/Harris had NO CLUE about how important PA is to WINNING Elections!!! but NOW they ARE! And so she’s PRETENDING to ‘flip-flip’ for PA and OH on ‘fracking’, and for Michigan on ‘car mfg.’ and ‘all EV’s by 2035’ – because SHE NEEDS THEIR VOTES!!! BUT REMEMBER, she clued in ‘her base’ to just the OPPOSITE of her claimed out-of-the-blue ‘flip-flops’ by telling THEM (in code) “I haven’t changed ANY of my Values.” i.e.? “This is just a ruse. I really haven’t flip-flopped on ANYTHING! STAY with me, I’ll be back! Full Swing, anti-fracking, anti-fossil fuels, anti-everything Trump-like (even though I’m pretending to be just like him now…)” She’s going to come out swinging if she gets enough votes! Don’t give them to her! She’s going to take PA down with the REST of America with her disastrous destructive agenda – which is MUCH WORSE than even the Obiden/Harris term had! Under her, it’s going to get MUCH WORSE – SOON! But America isn’t GOING to LET HER have the reins! America is much smarter than Obiden/Harris now in charge! for the last 4 years! America is going to put a STOP to her nonsense! And, who wants a cackling nanny-president??? who pays criminals to be criminal??? who lies every time she opens her flytrap??? That’s NOT who America IS, or ever HAS been. Even SHE should be big enough to KNOW THAT. (And evidently she DOES KNOW IT, which is why she hiding from America all her REAL intentions.)

    • Fantastic answer. Also the real reason she didn’t pick Shapiro as her VP is not because he is Jewish, but because she knows if he was her VP, she could not regulate to death the Fracking. She would have to allow it. He would have been a better pick for her, but she’s stuck with China Tim Walz, who allowed cities to be burned to the ground in the Summer of Love!

    • I wasn’t aware that idiot had any values or morals for that matter. She is incapable of telling the truth. She will say anything to get elected. She is a brainless bobblehead. Just remember folks…this is the best the democrats can come up with.

  2. The fact that she chose Walz instead of Shapiro was a clear sign of where her values and loyalties are.Walz is an extreme candidate who believes in Communism. She cannot tell us how she is going to fix the economy, because she doesn’t know how. She is ill equipped on the subject of economics, foreign and domestic policies which so far have been extreme and damaging under the Biden/Harris administration. She stands by the illegals coming in, devastating the country. Lastly, she’s an extreme liberal, who in the past did not commit criminals for imprisonment, but allowed them back out on the streets to offend again.

    • TOTAL IDIOT!! Please America, Don`t believe a word this IDIOT said on the Fracking and other things she has said in the past. All she is doing is trying to get elected and then she is back to her old tricks!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!

  3. As that nitwit Congressman from the other left coast said, “She is simply being pragmatic about it in order to win the election. Wos, the truth from a dumbocrat.

  4. Harris is lying and not flip-flopping. If she wins the election she will sign anti fossil executive orders on the first day in office just like FJB the present idiot in the White House did.

  5. Harris is an extremists. She has flipped flopped in order to fool voters to vote for her. If she & Walz are elected our nation will have more judges on the Supreme Court,control our food supply especially meat,do away with the filibuster, force us to buy electric vehicles,not help the small businesses she claim to want to help just to name a few. The Democrats want to buy votes so they offer bribes of free handouts. The running mate she & zObama chose was an indoctrinated Communist. They would China to take our over our great country. Vote Trump/Vance 2024🇺🇲

  6. If Kamala Harris win, we are in trouble.its not the just the middle class gonna suffer its also peole who received social security and low income people.we barely make it every month with food prices and gasoline prices, and utility bills are going up every month. how much more the people can take? We are all Voting for Dobald Trump we know we can trust him again like he did before…

  7. I am tired of answering surveys and having a notice saying “page not available or try again later” when my answer is anti left wing or derogatory towards democrats. I fear a similar outcome as 2020 with the stuffing of ballot boxes and mail in ballots from cemeterys. Dems will do anything to win. Cheating is not the American way, someone tell the LIBS.

    • I am getting the same garbage as you Don-and IMO the big question is this… To save the establishment cesspool (they have ALL helped create), will ALL the (mcconnell led) and still TDS consumed conservatives reps nervously stand around and let the dims steal another one???

      LGB/LGK/LGAnybody they put on their ticket….

  8. How can you tell when dimocrats.. and let us not forget to include their extended family ‘from across the aisle’-the mcconnell led rinos-on this list, too.. are lying???

    It’s very easy now.. their lips are moving…

    LGB/LGK/LGAnybody they put on their ticket….

  9. democrats created the mess that America is in today to destroy America for china and iran and russia, any vote for any democrat is a vote to destroy America. period

  10. I’m so tired of her lying about everything. She definitely learned from the best liars, The Obama, Hillary and Biden. Every time she opens her mouth she makes up lies about what Trump has done and what she will do. She even lies about her past. She learned about Marxism and communism from her own father so her ideas aren’t going to change. She is a Marxist through and through.

  11. Does anyone know what the plus on LGBTQ+ stands for? It stands for pedophile. They are trying to make it seem natural and put our kids at risk. The decent people who are gay don’t want or associate themselves with this group. I have friends and family members who are gay and they have nothing to do with this group. But Cameltoe and the Biden’s have everything to do with this group so it tells you how corrupt they are.

  12. #1…..please correct this statement….Josh Shapiro IS NOT “wildly popular” in Pennsylvania !! Where on Gods green earth did you get that impression?
    2. I have been trying to have him answer a few questions and he does not respond !! He does not care about his constituents !

  13. If it is destructive to America, the Democrat/Communists are all for it NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY. The economy, the borders, defense, internal security are on their death list.

    Then their Chinese Communist political Bosses will give them the wreckage to rule.

  14. Do you think a Leopard can change it’s spots? I don’t think so! She is saying what she thinks the voters want to hear, but she has not changed her positions on anything. Shapiro is just being led to believe he can have a big office in her administration!!
    Wake up people!! Trump 2024!!!!!

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